The Messengers were all married

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The Messengers were all married

Post by mrafi »

Muhammad Asad

And, truly, We sent forth apostles before thee, and We appointed for them wives and offspring; and it was not given to any apostle to produce a miracle save at God's behest. Every age has had its revelation
M. M. Pickthall

And verily We sent messengers (to mankind) before thee, and We appointed for them wives and offspring, and it was not (given) to any messenger that he should bring a portent save by Allah's leave. For everything there is a time prescribed
Yusuf Ali (Saudi Rev. 1985)

We did send messengers before thee, and appointed for them wives and children: and it was never the part of a messenger to bring a sign except as Allah permitted (or commanded). For each period is a Book (revealed)

All Messengers had families including Hesus
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Re: The Messengers were all married

Post by jawaidahmed »

Jesus also had a father:

6:83 This is the logic (examples of the star, the moon and the sun) that
We taught Abraham against his people. We exalt people in ranks when
they follow Our laws. Your Lord is Wise, All Knower.
6:84 We gave him Isaac the son, and Jacob the grandson, and We
guided them. Before Abraham, We guided Noah and from his
descendants, We guided David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and
Aaron. We thus reward the benefactors of humanity.
6:85 And Zacharias, John the Baptist, Jesus and Elijah (Elias); all in the
ranks of the righteous who fulfilled the needs of mankind.
6:86 And Ishmael, Elisha (Al-Yasa’), Jonah (Yunus), and Lot (Lut). To all
of them We gave distinction over people of their times.
6:87 And We gave distinction to some of their ancestors, children and
siblings and guided them to the straight path. [This verse also negates
the myth of Virgin Birth, as Jesus is included among Prophets whose
fathers were blessed. [Aaba = Fathers = Forefathers = Ancestors]
6:88 This is the Guidance of God. He guides His servants according to
His laws (4:88). If they had associated others with God, their actions
would have been vain.
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