Panorama: Tom Feeley's Email to Dr. Shabbir

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Dr. Shabbir
Posts: 1950
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:46 pm

Panorama: Tom Feeley's Email to Dr. Shabbir

Post by Dr. Shabbir »

“Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to
see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most
wretched sort of life as paradise” : Adolf Hitler - German Chancellor, leader of
the Nazi party

“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over
again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." —” : George
W. Bush - 43rd US President

Laws just or unjust may govern men's actions. Tyrannies may restrain or regulate
their words. The machinery of propaganda may pack their minds with falsehood and
deny them truth for many generations of time. But the soul of man thus held in
trance or frozen in a long night can be awakened by a spark coming from God
knows where and in a moment the whole structure of lies and oppression is on
trial for its life.: Sir Winston Churchill


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Read this newsletter online

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War On Iraq - At Least
655,000 + +

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In
America'sWar On Iraq 3,211

The War in Iraq Costs

See the cost in your community


A Breaking Story

Observations on Iraq

By Tim Lambon

It's hard to describe the noise when a whole cabinet of crockery is emptied on
to the floor. Even harder not to shout in indignation when the American soldier
who intentionally tipped it forward, until the plates and dishes slid smashing
to the floor, says without regret, "Whoops!" and crunches over the shards past
the distraught owner. "Cordon and search" they call looking for Sunni insurgents
and their arms and explosives. But at what cost to the battle for "hearts and

True Confessions? The Amazing Tale of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed

By Anthony D'Amato

The sweeping Guantanamo "confessions" of al Qaeda leader Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
rival the scope of those made in the Stalinist purge trials of the 1930s, and
should equally prompt us to question the legal process in which they were

The Confession Backfired

By Paul Craig Roberts

The first confession released by the Bush regime’s Military Tribunals--that of
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed--has discredited the entire process. Writing in Jurist,
Northwestern University law professor Anthony D’Amato likens Mohammed’s
confession to those that emerged in Stalin’s show trials of Bolshevik leaders in
the 1930s.

The Truth Should Be Proclaimed Loudly

By Robert Fisk

When in the history of bookselling, I ask myself, has any publisher tried to avoid publicity for his book? Well, I can give you an example.

Israel's Right To Be Racist

By Joseph Massad

The matter-of-factness with which the state of Israel claims the right to treat
non-Jews as lesser animals is shocking and annuls any move towards peace.

Velkomin to the United States of Foreclosure

By Mike Whitney

The stock market is about to crash. The only question is whether it will quickly
drop down the elevator shaft or follow the jerky flight-path of a man pushed
down a stairwell. Either way, the outcome will be the same; stocks will
nose-dive, the dollar will plummet, and the bruised US economy will be
splattered on the canvas like George Foreman in Rumble in the Jungle.

Permission to Speak Freely?

By Jason Miller

On behalf of fellow Information Clearing House contributing writers, ICH readers, and the multitude of people who still
believe that human rights represent a cornerstone of civilization, I call upon
you to cease and desist with your arbitrary violation of Tom Feeley's rights to
"demonstrate one's opinions on all matters", free speech, and free press.

Iraq: At least 27 killed as U.S. occupation grinds on:

Eight people were killed and dozens more became ill after chlorine gas was
released in the two bombings in Falluja.

Protesters in Baghdad say, 'No America!':

Sadr urges followers to unite against 'the grand devil,' even as the U.S. touts
joint patrols in his stronghold as a success.

Gates warns US plans to maintain presence in region 'for decades':

Sadr urges followers to oppose occupation forces

U.S. Occupation Forces Soldier Convicted Of Negligent Homicide:

Girourd ordered them during a raid on a suspected insurgent camp to cut loose
three detainees and then shoot them as they fled.

US insists British 'friendly fire' death was 'a tragic accident':

The US Defense Department on Friday reaffirmed its finding that a British
soldier's death in a "friendly fire" attack in Iraq was "a tragic accident"
after a British coroner ruled it was criminal.

U.S. troops in Iraq often abuse prisoners: report :

The United States has a flagrant record of violating the Geneva Convention in
systematically abusing prisoners during the Iraqi War and the War in
Afghanistan, says the Human Rights Record of the United States in 2006 issued on

The Bush administration manoeuvres to unseat Iraqi government:

Despite denials from Washington, there are growing signs that the Bush administration has issued threats
to its puppet government in Baghdad to meet US-dictated “benchmarks” or face the

See for yourself: Major New Problems At Walter Reed:

Burst steam pipes near electrical cables, rats, mold, and holes in floors and
walls -- all of that extends far beyond the well-publicized problems at the
notorious Building 18.

Supplemental Doesn't Do Enough:

Click here to tell Congress to vote against funding for more troops in Iraq.

Iraq war protesters to march on Pentagon after 100 arrested:

Thousands of people are expected to converge on the center of the US capital
Saturday and march on the Pentagon to protest the Iraq war, following the arrest
of about 100 people during an anti-war vigil the night before.

Christians Gather in D.C. to Protest War:

Thousands of Christians prayed for peace at an anti-war service Friday night at
the Washington National Cathedral, kicking off a weekend of protests around the
country to mark the fourth anniversary of the war in Iraq.

Ellsberg Joins March 19th Stop Funding the War Protest at Speaker Pelosi's
Office : -

Daniel Ellsberg has agreed to be the lead speaker at The Stop Funding the War rally at 12 noon on Monday, March 19, 2007 in
front of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district office at the San Francisco
Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue.

Ship leaves for Iraq in wake of protests:

A ship carrying 300 Stryker vehicles and other military equipment has left the
Port of Tacoma bound for Iraq after more than a week of anti-war demonstrations.

2 Afghan children killed,

A suicide bomber targeted a Canadian occupation forces ry convoy in southern
Afghanistan on Saturday, slightly wounding one soldier but killing two children
and wounding two other civilians, a Canadian military official said.

Iran’s military warns US against “stupid move”:

Iran’s army commander has warned the United States and other Western powers not
to make any “stupid move” over Teheran’s nuclear work, and suggested they would
be surprised by Iran’s military response if they attacked.

In case you missed it:

New US covert operations helping Sunni Muslim radicals:

The United States is stepping up covert operations in Iran in a new strategy
that risks sparking an "open confrontation" and benefits Sunni radicals

Fate of Bushehr nuclear power plant strengthens Iran's resolve:

For Iranians, the fate of their first nuclear reactor is proof why they have to build their own nuclear
technology despite U.N. efforts to rein in the program.

Nuking Iran: Jorge Hirsch interviewed by Foaad Khosmood :

You had written back in October of 2005 that "The strategic decision by the
United States to nuke Iran was probably made long ago." What led you to that
conclusion at that time? What do you think of the Hersh piece?

Inside America's powerful Israel lobby:

AIPAC's three-day summit included fiery evangelical oratory, adoration for Dick
Cheney -- and new plans for going after Iran.

U.S. says 'disturbed' by claim of PA unity gov't of 'right to resist'

The United States said Saturday it was disturbed by the Palestinian unity
government's claim of a right to resist Israeli occupation and disappointed by
Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh's speech on Saturday expressing that right.

Norway recognizes new Palestinian government:

Norway recognized the new Palestinian government just minutes after it was
approved Saturday, and said it would normalize relations with the Hamas-Fatah

'I try to forget - but i can't':

She was the 12-year-old girl filmed crying alongside her father and siblings as
they lay dying - victims of an explosion at a family picnic. But what happened
to Huda Ghalia next? Rory McCarthy meets the shy, teased girl who became a
symbol of Palestinian despair,,2034797,00.html

Dugard may probe Israeli 'apartheid':

The United Nation's Human Rights Council is looking to appoint John Dugard as a
permanent investigator on Israel's actions in the territories, which he has in
the past compared to apartheid, Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Yitzhak Levanon,
told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday.

Kucinich Hires Critic of Israel for Hill Panel :

U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, announces he will run for President in 2008
at City Hall in Cleveland Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2006. Kucinich's wife, Elizabeth
Harper, stands with the six-term congressman.

Pakistani lawyers, police clash over judge:

Hundreds of Pakistani lawyers in business suits hurled stones at police on
Saturday after officers fired teargas to disrupt a meeting at Lahore's High
Court to protest moves to sack the country's top judge.

Press body slams Pakistani police attack on TV channel :

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world's biggest
journalists' organisation, has condemned the Pakistan police for raiding the
offices of private broadcaster Geo TV in Islamabad.

Musharraf sees conspiracy against him Islamabad:

Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf on Saturday told a public meeting
'conspiracy has been hatched against him, urging the masses to "frustrate
designs of those who are indulged in conspiracies."

Without a trace:

Seven-year-old Saud Bugti's father was picked up by secret police on a street
corner in Karachi last November. No one has heard from him since. He has joined
the ranks of Pakistan's 'disappeared' - victims of the country's brutal attempts
to wage war on both al-Qaida and those who fail to support the government.,,2035478,00.html

They brutalised my flesh but will never break my spirit :

'I never realised Mugabe and his criminal team would go this far. But I do not
seek to be a martyr. Please help us to achieve change'

The wasteland - inside Mugabe's crumbling state:

At the end of a week that saw protests violently crushed, Chris McGreal reports from Bulawayo on a nation sliding into chaos,,2036161,00.html

The Political Economy of Diamonds:

A few years before 9/11, the world's curiously selective conscience was shocked
by images from the little West African country of Sierra Leone. There, an
insurgent group fond of hacking off hands and feet with machetes funded its war
by exploiting slave labor in diamond fields,

Probe of Al-Qaeda Leader's Handling Sought:

Two senators who observed last week's closed military proceedings against
al-Qaeda leader Khalid Sheik Mohammed called for an investigation into
allegations that the accused planner of the Sept. 11 attacks was physically
abused while in CIA custody.

Danny Schechter : How True Are the True Confessions of the Terror Mastermind? :

There’s more about this larger than life part-killer and amateur historian who
compares himself to George Washington for American consumption!

Military lawyer says U.S. stacked deck against Khadr:

Can Omar Khadr, the Canadian held at the American Guantanamo Bay prison camp,
get a fair trial? His U.S. military lawyer says no.

Hicks's lawyers lodge bid to stop US military hearings:

Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks's legal team has formally applied for an
injunction to halt the South Australian's US military commission.

Chiquita banana company is fined $25m for paying off Colombian paramilitary
groups :

The Chiquita banana company, one of the world's biggest and most powerful food
companies, has admitted paying "protection" money to Colombian paramilitary
groups identified by the US government as terrorist organisations - and has
agreed to pay a $25m (£13m) fine to wrap up a federal investigation.

Video: Hugo Chavez, Up Close and Personal

Walters Engages in Candid Talk With One of Latin America's Most Influential

In a British fairyland:

The portrayal of Sinn Féin as a reluctant partner in peace is a fiction that did
not fool the Irish voters,,2036156,00.html

Juan Cole: Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy: the Plame Affair:

Valerie Plame Wilson, whose career Karl Rover and Vice President Dick Cheney
wanted destroyed in a fit of pique, was finally allowed to testify before
Congress on Friday. Some in the blogosphere are arguing that the outing of Plame
Wilson was an impeachable offense.


Let us work towards

Peace & Joy

Tom Feeley
Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among people." (August 1765) John Adam
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