Hazrat Umar Burned Libraries!

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Dr. Shabbir
Posts: 1950
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:46 pm

Hazrat Umar Burned Libraries!

Post by Dr. Shabbir »

This was the assertion of some Christians on another forum.

A man as knowledgeable as Dr. A.H. Fauq, was unable to provide an authoritative answer. His rebuttal primarily dwells around, "No, he could not have done it." Why can't we ask?

Here was my response:

Hazrat Umar burned no libraries at all. He was blamed for burning only the Library of Alexandria. But the vicious Christian propaganda of medieval times has been negated by the top modern Christian scholars.

Dear Captain,

Why are you afraid to ask? Our hearts are not bags of knowledge.

Here is the fact from the horse's mouth:

>> I don't find it strange anymore that there is a four thousand year-old legend among the Zoroastrians; the legend of Mithra. He is supposed to have been born of a virgin on December 25th. Mithra was considered as the "lamb of god." He atoned for the sins of people by dying. Then he resurrected on the third day! There is strong reason to believe that Saint Paul fabricated the belief system of Christianity from the Zoroastrian mythology. In order to hide Paul's plagiarism . . . the Christians burned the library of Alexandria in 390 A.D. Books in that library kept Mithra's original story of which the Pauline Doctrine is an almost exact carbon copy. (George Sarton - Introduction to the History of Science) <<

>> No honest Christian scholar can deny that Saint Paul forged the belief system of Christianity from the four thousand year old Persian legend of Mithra. In order to hide Paul's plagiarism, the Church burned the library of Alexandria in 389 since that library preserved Mithra's original legend of which the Pauline doctrine is a carbon copy. (Kersey Graves - Christianity Before Christ) <<

>> If Mithraism had not been suppressed in Rome and Alexandria by the Christians with physical force, Christianity would have had no chance to flourish. (Pagan Christs - J. M. Robertson) <<

>> The Lamb always was a symbol of the Rising Saviour in ancient Pagan cults. It is easy to understand then, why the Church, under Archbishop Theophilus of Alexandria in 389 CE, was destroying every trace of Sun-worship in its original form. He ordered the burning of the invaluable Serapis Library of Alexandria and tortured that brilliant woman, Hypatia. She was a great exponent of Plato and the most influential teacher of the Sun-worship cult. (Pagan and Christian Creeds - Edward Carpenter, Heathen Religion - Rev. J. B. Gross) <<
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