Some Common Questions About Islam

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Dr. Shabbir
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Some Common Questions About Islam

Post by Dr. Shabbir »


Just as students are a great source of learning for a teacher, readers are a precious asset for a writer. I feel indebted to all those respected readers who have come up with questions and comments on the first edition. This Q & A chapter will help us explain some important points. The readers should be reminded once again that many of the misunderstandings and misinformation about Islam stem from the books of history and tradition. All these narratives of history and tradition must be checked against the Quran which is the Criterion of Right and Wrong (3:4).

1. Why did you choose to call Muhammad "the exalted," instead of the customary "Peace be upon him"?
A - "Peace be upon him" is neither the correct translation of the Quranic greetings to the exalted Prophet, nor does it make any sense. Of course, he is in sublime peace and glory. We are the ones who need to follow his sacred footprints to attain and promote peace. We direly need to move on from mere recitation to understanding and action.

Now focus on 33:56 which is usually translated as "Allah and His angels send blessings on the prophet. O You who believe! Send blessings on him and salute him with all respect." Here is the closer understanding of the verse.
33:56 Verily, Allah and His angels bless the Messenger and support his Mission. O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Bless him and give yourself up to him and his Mission in total submission. (4:65, 7:157)

2. When a blind man comes to Jesus Christ he gives him sight. When a blind man comes to your prophet, he frowns and turns away.
A - You have read some wrong translation. The exalted Messenger would never frown upon any seeker of the Truth. The reason for this grievous mistake is, once again, blind following of false traditions, and the conjecture of SHANE NUZUL (the so-assumed circumstance of a revelation).
Surah ‘Abasa does not name the person who frowned. Through Tasreef, it becomes obvious that a proud Qureshite leader was in the habit of frowning at people (74:22). ‘Abasa (80:1), then, actually addresses the arrogant, and all those who would like to invite people to Allah. Assigning this incident to the exalted Messenger is one of the early conspiracies against him.
Allah’s Messengers invariably paid special attention to the poor, the disabled, the deprived, and always refused to turn them away even though pressured by the elite to do so. (6:52, 8:62-64, 11:27, 18:28, 26:111-114)
Jesus giving sight to the blind is an allegory meaning that he enabled people to see the Truth as other prophets did. We are dealing here with vision of the heart. (Miracles of Jesus - 3:48-49, 5:110)

3. Is it true that marriage and divorce can take place even in joke and anger?
A - A solemn covenant cannot be bound or unbound by non-solemn means. (See the previous Q & A session) The exalted Prophet is reported to have said, "La Talaqa Fil Ighlaaq.”

4. Does the Quran permit the husband to beat his wife?
A - No! This is a common misconception.
4:34 Men are the protectors and maintainers of women. They shall take full care of women with what they spend of their wealth. Allah has made men to excel in some areas and women to excel in some areas. Men must see to it that women are provided for, and that they are able to stand on their feet in the society. So, righteous women are obedient to Allah’s Ordinances and guard their moral values even in privacy, the Values that Allah Commands to be guarded. If you experience rebellion from women, and they stand up against you, apprise them of possible consequences. Next, leave them in their resting places apart from you. And keep admonishing them with examples that they stop rebelling. If they pay heed to you, seek not a way against them. Allah is Most High, Great.
[‘Nushooz’ = to stand up 2:259, 58:11; to stand up against, to rebel / ‘wa’az’ = to apprise of consequences 2:231, 3:66 / ‘dharb’ = example 13]

5. According to Bukhari, Eve was created from Adam's rib and if you try to straighten her out, she will break (and still not reform).
A - The first part is a Biblical statement. The Quran does not say that woman was created from Adam's rib. In fact, the name Eve is nowhere found in the Quran. It does talk of Adam’s wife. As stated earlier, Bukhari or any tradition must be checked in the Light of the Quran. Adam and his wife are used symbolically in the Quran to indicate the early humankind.

6. What is the definition of a Muslim?
A - Any person who believes that:
- The Last Message of the One True God was revealed to Muhammad (S)
- And that this Message is fully preserved as the sole Authority of Islam, the Quran. Conversely, anyone accepting human “authorities” beside the Book of Allah is in manifest error. And anyone claiming to receive direct revelation from God in any form must be considered a lunatic or an impostor. This includes claims of divine inspiration of the mystic or fortuneteller.

7. Who can be called a practicing Muslim?
A - The popular misconception equates ritualistic worship with practice. The praying, fasting ones wearing hijab or sporting beard are erroneously thought to be practicing Muslims but,

9:71 And the believers, both men and women, are colleagues one of another. They enjoin the doing of Right and forbid the doing of Wrong (by personal example. The distinction between right and wrong will never be arbitrary. The Quran is the eternal Criterion of what is right and what is wrong. 2:185) Together, they help establish the Divine System, and set up the Just Economic Order of Zakat (9:60). This is how they obey Allah and His Messenger. These are the men and women on whom Allah will shower His Mercy. Allah is Mighty, Wise.

8 - Verse 4:34 reads, "Men are in charge of women." And 2:228 reads "For men there is a degree over women."
A - The verses do not read like this. Some translations do. In the first instance, the Quran uses the term Qawwaamoon. This means providers, sustainers, maintainers and protectors. Men must see to it that women are able to stand on their feet in the society.

In the second instance, please read the complete verse. It clearly indicates that men have a degree in one sense that after divorce they do not have a waiting period (Iddah) before remarriage. Iddah is appointed for divorced or widowed women for a possible pregnancy to manifest itself.

9. How could Muslims have managed to conquer the world and advance in sciences if they were having civil wars such as Jamal, Saffain, and Karbala?
A - The histories of Jamal, Saffain, and Karbala were fabricated centuries after the supposed incidents.
- You have a good point that the Islamic State could have made no advancements if Muslims were entangled in civil wars. Much of that history is fiction. These reported disputes were forged by the politically motivated authors of the time, in the third and fourth century after the exalted Messenger.
- People from different countries were embracing Islam because they witnessed the true blissful Islamic civilization.

10. What was the real status of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani?
A - Hear from him, ". . . a self-sown seed, a self-grown plant of the British Empire."

11. What is the position of the burka (cloak) and head scarf in the Quran?
A - Surahs 24 and 33 describe the etiquette of socialization between men and women. While both genders have been commanded to lower their gaze, women should wear loose-fitting garments when outdoors (33:59). They should cover their bosom with a sash or shawl in the presence of men that do not belong to the family (24:30-31). However, the Quran does not ordain veiling or head cover. Modern psychology, too, rules out the scalp hair as a means of arousal in the male or the female. No woman becomes a lesser Muslim by refusing to veil. Likewise, no woman becomes a greater Muslim by observing purdah (veil and cloak).

12. The Quran states that humans and Jinn have been created for nothing but worship. What kind of worship and what are Jinn?
A - Verse 51:56 states that God has created Jinn and mankind for Ibadah. Ibadah is not worship. It means obeying Allah by serving his creation. As for the "Jinn", the term literally means "hidden". According to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Allama Aslam Jairajpuri, Imam Raghib Isfahani, Allamas Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi, Sir Iqbal, G.A. Parwez, Obaidullah Sindhi, Tamanna Imadi and many other scholars, Jinn refers to nomads, uncivilized people, dwellers of the deserts and jungles, those of fiery temperament and all people who lived far away from urban life, hence mostly remaining out of sight from the city dwellers. The Quran refers to the urbanites as Ins and the nomads as jinn.

13. What is the position of magic in the Quran?
A - Very scientific. It is either hypnotism of the modern science or illusion and trickery. For example,

Pharaoh’s magicians cast a spell on the people's eyes so that pieces of rope appeared to them as if they were serpents (7:116).

The term magic or sihr is used in the Quran and Hadith to describe any surprising event. Sir James Fraser in his book, "Occultism and the Manifest", writes that magic is nothing but falsehood and trickery, and he confesses reaching this conclusion after studying “the most pragmatic book” he came across, namely the Quran. Fraser does acknowledge the effect of suggestion on susceptible individuals. Black magic, voodoo, etc and their counter measures thrive only on superstition.

14. Wasn’t Prophet Muhammad influenced by magic according to Hadith?
A - The Quran states it’s only the wicked who utter such nonsense (25:8, 17:47). This kills the malicious reports in Bukhari.

15. Does the bad or evil eye really afflict people? Are there people who become demon-possessed? And does reciting some verses of the Quran cure them?
A - There is no such thing as the evil eye or possession of people by demons. The highly pragmatic and scientific Laws given in the Quran reject these mythical phenomena as hoax. And the Book nowhere states that by reciting such and such verses, ‘magic’, ‘evil eye’ or ‘demon-possession’ can be cured. It is a Book of guidance, not of conjecture.

In 12:67, Prophet Jacob advises his eleven sons to enter the town through different gates. So, many commentators have wrongly concluded that he was concerned about ‘evil eye’ from the envious inhabitants. However, as historically narrated in the Bible, the brothers had been suspected of spying on a previous trip to Egypt, and, hence, Prophet Jacob’s cautious advice.

The only demon that can possess a person is our uncontrolled desire called Iblis or Satan. The so-called demon-possessed people are mental patients. The exalted Prophet is reported to have said, "There is no such thing as GHOUL.” It includes all mythical creatures such as evil spirits, Dracula, witches, haunting creatures, Frankenstein, etc.

16. How about the miracles of Moses, Jesus and Mohammad, the exalted?
A - One must remember that the Quran has made it abundantly clear that some of its verses are allegorical (3:7). This especially applies to the world of the Unseen, the past and the future. Then it becomes easy to understand that the white bright hand of Moses was symbolic of his truth that shone like the sun. His staff was the power of his faith and reason. Likewise, Jesus gave life to people who were suffering from spiritual death and he restored sight (vision of the heart) so that one could see the truth. The Quran rebuffed those who asked the exalted Messenger to show miracles: To bring forth a fresh spring from the ground, have a lush garden, set forth running streams of water, have fragments of heavens fall upon them, bring God and the angels in front of them, show them his palace of gold, or to have a ladder high enough to reach the heavens from where he would bring a preprinted book from God (17:90-93).

Let us recall that according to the Quran, all things in the universe follow the Divine Laws of nature. And those Laws never change.

And you will never see Allah’s Laws changing or deviating (6:34, 6:116, 10:64, 17:77, 18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, 48:23).

"The universe is the creation of a Master Mathematician who neither errs nor makes any exceptions.”
-Galileo Galilei

Another point of interest is that the Quran invites people to believe through understanding and reason (12:108) while miracles would have quite the contrary effect i.e. stunning the human intellect.

17. But does not the Quran in the very beginning state that the believers have faith in the unseen?
A - Faith in the unseen through reason and reflection, not blind faith (12:108). More importantly, faith in the unseen refers to the Quranic law of requital. The right similitude could be that of a farmer who sows a seed and does all the requisite work believing that he will get the desired crop.

18. If the Quran is easy to understand, why don't all people understand it? And why do they say Hadith is essential for its comprehension?
A - The translators immediately take you to fabricated Hadith and history.
i The Quran itself claims that it is easy to understand. (54:17)
ii Its verses have been made simple and plain. (41:3)
iii The Quran has been presented in plain, simple Arabic language. (43:3)
iv "It is for Us to explain it and to make it clear." (75:19)
v The Quran advises that no one touches this Book but those who approach it with a clear mind uncontaminated with preconceived notions (56:79). Unfortunately, the translations and commentaries of the Quran until this day are only sub-editions of what men of old wrote a thousand years ago. If it is claimed that the first commentators wrote their commentaries based upon the exalted Messenger's sayings, we will have to remember that they compiled their works based upon fabricated traditions in or after the third century after him.

In the era of despotism and tyranny, royal interests heavily influenced those writers. Some of those writers, like Imam Ibn Shahab Zahari, confessed at their death-bed that tyrannical rulers forced them to concoct and pen down Ahadith and traditions that served the political interests of the elite.
vi. Sir Iqbal observes that Allah terms the Quran, "the Light." And light needs no help to show itself.
vii Mufti Azam Pakistan Mohammad Shafi writes "One part of the Quran explains the other. No explanation of the Quran other than its own is permissible for anyone." (Ma’arifil Quran vol-II page 596)

For further understanding of the answer, here is Preface to my humble work, QXP = THE QUR’AN AS IT EXPLAINS ITSELF.

The Author of the Quran is none but Almighty God. However, since the Book before the reader is an English rendition by an ordinary servant of God, Shabbir Ahmed, he is the author of the rendition.
The work before you, although close to a translation, is also an understanding from within the Quran itself. This Divine Writ calls itself AN-NUR (The Light) and light needs no extrinsic sources in order to shine. Therefore, I have based my presentation on two principles:
1. Focus on the Language in which the Quran was revealed.
2. Make use of TASREEF (how the Quran repeats its messages / verses in various ways).
I have rendered the terms and linguistics of the Quran using the Quraish dialect since it is the Arabic dialect in which the Quran was revealed to Muhammad bin Abdullah, the Final Prophet, Messenger and Apostle of God. (570-632 CE)
The first ever commentaries of the Quran were written in the third and fourth centuries after the Messenger, during the Abbasid Dynasty, when Zoroastrian influence held sway in Islamic politics, society and the Arabic writings. The commentators of the Quran, the historians, MUHADDITHIN (Tradition collectors) and FUQAHA (Jurists) overwhelmingly originated from among non-Arab Persians.
The late Allama Ahmad Amin Al-Masri sums up the end result in his excellent work FAJRIL ISLAM:
“Very surely, the reader will agree with me that the Persian literature gave an entirely alien complexion to the Arabic linguistics.”
Many celebrated thinkers and authors in the Islamic world strongly agree with the great Egyptian scholar on this score. We need not go into details since the point will become sufficiently clear soon, when we cite some examples.
HOW WAS MANKIND ROBBED of the Creator's Final Revelation - the Revelation that He Himself defines, “And this Grace of your Lord (the revealed Guidance) is better than all the (treasures) that they may amass (43:32)?
By 'robbing' I mean: Giving alien, erroneous and misleading meanings and concepts to the original matchless, powerful and glorious Quranic terms. Here is how it happened:
One - THE FIRST DILEMMA: While the language of the Quran remained untouched, its words and terms were made to lose the splendor that they so beautifully conveyed in the original Arabic. So much so, that the weak and erroneous concepts prevalent in the once Zoroastrian culture of Persia, and then given to the Quranic terms became ‘MA'RUF’ (well-known and accepted) even among the Arabs!
This staggering TRAGEDY explains why, how and where, even the ARABIC SPEAKING PEOPLE FALL AND LOSE THEIR TOUCH WITH THE QUR'AN! The Quran describes this STAGGERING TRAGEDY most eloquently,
"And the Messenger will say: O my Lord! These are my people, the ones who have disabled and made this Quran of no account." [(25]
This ill treatment of the Divine Message and filling the consequent void with conjecture is THE cause of their downfall, and that of the Muslims in general, on a Global scale.
Any nation that stays with or implements this Divine Writ in letter and spirit can make the world a paradise on earth. The early Islamic history is a great testimonial to this claim but we will explore this point a little further.
Naturally, a very important question arises here. In the last several centuries, the West and some other non-Muslim countries have been making spellbinding advances in education, science and technology and in their governmental systems without the Quran! The short answer is that they have been making great use of their human faculties of reasoning and intellectual inquiry.
Another very significant factor has also played its role in this regard. The Quran has been, perceptibly and imperceptibly, making its Universal Impact on human civilization and history during the last fourteen centuries. The celebrated thinker and historian, Robert Briffault has very convincingly demonstrated this truth in his remarkable book, "The Making of Humanity."
Muslims, on the other hand, after disabling the Divine Revelation, have also paralyzed their intellect, falling for utterly irrational and senseless themes and traditions fabricated and recorded on hearsay centuries after the blessed times of the exalted Prophet and his noble companions.
However, the Golden Rule holds good for all nations that the Quran, the last REVELATION OF GOD, ECONOMIZES HUMAN EFFORT. It can give them EMINENCE they have never imagined before: scientific and moral achievements side by side - and in a short span of time - without going through a prolonged ordeal of learning through trial and error. And thus, they can adopt a Progressive System of Life that embraces that which is good and promotes the well-being of humanity, and avoids that which is evil and harmful to humanity. Furthermore, this Divinely-inspired System of life is fully sustainable and durable.
"Behold, this is indeed a revealed Word in the dialect of a noble Messenger." (69:40)
First of all it is of paramount importance to know that the mentioned dialect is not extinct. It is very much alive and well in the Pre-Islamic and ‘Para-Islamic’ poetry and well preserved in outstanding dictionaries such as TAJIL ‘UROOS, LISANAL ARAB, QAMOOS, LANE’S LEXICON, AL-MUFRIDAT FI GHARIBIL QUR’AN and LUGHATIL-QUR’AN. The first of these practically embraces the next two and the last one is from Arabic to Urdu. Edward Lane’s Lexicon is primarily based on Tajil ‘Uroos.
I will keep this discourse brief since nothing is more convincing than citing relevant examples. Plenty of such examples are given throughout the rendition for the reader to see for himself how the Ajami (Non-Arab, and more specifically, the non-Quranic) concepts rob the Quranic terms of their clarity, power and grandeur.
Herein are given only a few of those examples:
- ‘Taqwa’ is usually translated as: ‘Righteousness, God-consciousness, warding off evil, piety, fear of God, doing good' etc.
Now a non-Muslim, or even a bright youngster from Muslim parents may ask, “Well, the Quran in the very beginning claims that it is a guidance for the righteous, the God-conscious, he who wards off evil, the pious, he who fears God, he who does good'. But, how come such people need any guidance?”
The answer lies in the Quraish dialect that describes ‘Taqwa’ as ‘walking in security’, like a person who strolls through the garden but watches out that his garment might not get entangled in bushes and thorns. All of a sudden the verse now makes beautiful sense - that the Quran is a Guide to those who wish to journey through life in honor and security.
- ‘Manyyasha’ is almost invariably translated as ‘whatever God wills.’ Since this term appears in the Quran very frequently, its wrong translation lays down the foundation of FATALISM in Islam. Such erroneous translations can only convey abject messages and results like this: ‘God honors whomever He wills and humiliates whomever He wills.’ Or, ‘God sends astray whomever He wills and guides whomever He wills.’ An intelligent reader has every right to ask, "Why did God reveal His Message, then, in the first place?"
The original Qura’nic meaning of ‘Manyyasha’ is, ‘according to His Laws’. God has appointed Laws for success vs. failure, and for guidance vs. straying. (And these Laws are given in the Quran. See 4:88).
- Such terms as ‘Sayyeh’, ‘Ithm’, ‘Zanb’, ‘Fisq’ and the like are all blanketed together as the vague term ‘SIN’. I have let the Quran explain the true meanings of each term repeatedly in the text, at times in parentheses.
- ‘Zulm’ has almost always been given a very vague meaning, ‘wrongdoing’. But the Quranic concept of ‘Zulm’ is extremely clear and appealing: ‘To displace something from its rightful place – to harm one’s own self – violation of human rights – living in darkness - oppression – distortion of the Truth – to hurt anyone’s well being. These meanings become crystal clear in their context in every single related verse.
- 'Hasanah', 'Khair', 'Salehat', 'A'mal-e-saleh', 'Birr' etc are all blanketed together as the vague 'good deeds'. The correct Quranic meanings I have incorporated in the text along with explanations.
- In addition, the true Quranic understanding of terms such as ANGELS, ADAM, SATAN, JINN, SALAT, ZAKAT, SAUM, HAJJ, THE UNSEEN, THE PHENOMENA OF THE OCCULT, BELIEF, KUFR, QIYAMAT, RESURRECTION, THE LAW OF REQUITAL, DUNIYA, THE HEREAFTER, HARAM, HALAL, JIHAD, ISLAM, IMAN, and many more, you, the respected reader, will repeatedly find in the text just as the Quran explains them.
Two - NOW, THE SECOND DILEMMA: It occurred when the commentators of the Quran, centuries after its revelation, tried to connect every verse with a certain historical event, calling the process ‘SHAN-E-NUZUL’ (Circumstances of a revelation). Here the words and terms of the Quran were given tailor-made meanings to fit the supposed story, with total disregard for their original vibrant meanings, concepts and messages.
This deplorable practice only attempted to bind the verses of the Timeless Quran to some supposed incidents, and chain the Word of God in another set of shackles!
A very significant Islamic jurist, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, in those early times saw the chaos and raised a very strong voice against this awful practice.
He said: All the books that have been written on Battles (‘Maghazi’), dreams and prophecies (‘Malahim’) and on Explanations of the Quran (Tafsirs) are completely false and unfounded.
- "Tazkaratil Maudhua’at", Ash-Shaikh Muhammad Tahir Al-Makki.
- "Maudhua’at", Mullah Ali Qari.
Worst of all, and inevitably so, this conjecture of 'Shan-e-Nuzul' was attributed to the Prophet and his companions. This led people into believing that this was how they (the Prophet and his companions) used to understand the Quran!
Hence, the foundation of an Islamic decline was laid down and MANKIND WAS ROBBED of the Supreme Gift of Guidance bestowed upon them by the Creator!
Three - NOW THE THIRD DILEMMA: The later generations of translators and commentators have uncritically followed the men of old and this tendency has been consistently taking its noxious toll. They have been thinking of the AJAMI Arabic as the known Language of the Quran. By Ajami Arabic I mean applying Zoroastrian or any alien concepts to the Arabic words and terms of the Quran.
Please recall that this deplorable practice of “Shan-e-Nuzul” was given legitimacy during the Abbasid Dynasty to the extent that the alien, empty and erroneous concepts given to the Quranic terms became widely known and well accepted. The Mighty Word of God, the great Equalizer of humanity, threatened the vested interests of the elite, whereas a ‘disabled’ Quran very well suited the ulterior motives of the Royalty, the Elite and the Islamic priesthood. A formidable coalition of this ‘eternally’ sinister TRIO thus made their inroads into Islam and supported each other toward a common goal, that is, exploitation and enrichment at the expense of the masses.
The later commentators whether Arabs or non-Arabs, have since looked at the Quran with the tinted glasses of the earlier MUFASSIRIN (explainers or exponents.) This dilemma has only helped perpetuate the pathetic state of mental slavery of the “Islamic” world to this day.
THE BEWILDERMENT: Muslims, then, keep wondering: What went wrong? What has happened to us? How can we stand up? Which way to go? What brought upon us the current, in fact, the last many centuries of Global humiliation? Is a Renaissance possible? If yes, how?
The answer is one word, Al-Quran – in its true meanings as the companions of the Prophet understood and strove to apply it and, thereupon, success embraced their feet at every step and in every walk of life.
Respected reader! Right before you is our sincere effort to break free of those" time-honored" shackles of mental slavery, and to breathe in some fresh air - THE QUR’AN AS IT EXPLAINS ITSELF.
“The Quran as it explains itself”, with its first edition completed in April 2003, is the first ever rendition of the Quran into any language that has been done in full public view. From the very first letter in Dec 2001, it has been made available on the Internet. This proved to be a great blessing since it helped us improve the clarity of expression whenever a viewer thought it was warranted. Furthermore, input from some great scholars of the Quran and of the Arabic linguistics, as well as criticism and questions from the viewers have helped the author and his team to make the exposition as clear and accurate as possible.
Respectfully, here is THE SECOND EDITION, and In-Sha-Allah we hope to continue working for another improved edition. When it comes to the Quran, we can only do our best, and there is a definite limit to our abilities. Hence, we will keep learning and improving. Any errors will be corrected in the subsequent edition and we will most assuredly value our readers' feedback.
- Shabbir Ahmed, M.D
19. If Allah will guide whom He will, and lead astray whom He will, then where comes the role of human effort and accountability? Isn't this similar to St. Augustine's philosophy of predestination and fatalism?
A - I think you have read some wrong translations of the Quran. As explained in Chapter III of this book, Allah designs His Laws in the World of Command as He wills. In the World of Creation He implements them, and then He never changes His Laws. The root word used for His "Will," Tasha and Yasha, throughout the Book stand for appointing due measure. So verses like the one you have pointed to (14:4) mean that God has created laws, rules and principles for guidance, for getting astray, for honor/dishonor etc.

20. How could mischievous people slander the mother of believers and that too in the life of the exalted Messenger? I am referring to Surah 24.
A - Surah 24 An-Noor does not mention the mother of believers at all. It talks about slander on some lady in the town. The name and the story were forged by mischievous people in the guise of Muhaddithin and found its way in our books of history and tradition.

21. Zodiac signs, palm reading, astrology, psychic powers; where do these things find their place in the Quran?
A - Nothing but conjecture. Allah alone is the Knower of the Unseen (and the future), and He makes known to none His secret (72:26).
The exalted Messenger is reported to have said, "Anyone who goes to a diviner or fortune-teller denies what has been revealed to Muhammad."

22. It seems weird that people perform acts of worship on behalf of their dead ancestors or in proxy for others.
A - To a critical mind, it should seem weird. The Prophet (S) said, "Actions are based upon intentions". The dead cannot have intentions. Also, the Quran makes it very clear that every person will be responsible, and compensated, for one's own actions alone. (53:39)

23. How did Islam divide into sects? Do you consider Yazid kafir or Muslim?
A - To answer your second question first, the Quran states, "You shall not be asked about what others used to do (2:141). Sectarianism came into Islam through our clergy’s treatment of history for personal and political motives. Suffice it is to say that the Quran calls all companions of the Messenger (S) true believers (8:74). And that their mutual relationship was that of mutual love and kindness (3:103). Finally, Allah is pleased with them and they were pleased with Him (9:100). If Muslims had stuck to the Quran instead of falling for manmade books, there would have been no sects in Islam. In view of some sects criticizing the noble companions, it must be clarified that the hypocrites had been recognized in the life of the Prophet. (3:179, 47:30)

24. In Christianity, salvation is by grace. In Islam, it is based upon deeds. But isn't man imperfect?
A - The Quran does not understate Allah’s Grace. In fact, it states that Allah's Grace encompasses all things (7:156, 40:7). At the same time, God did not choose to make humans as predestined, programmed robots. They have been given free will. As far as imperfection is concerned, the Quran makes it simple. It is the intention and effort that will be seen (53:40).

25. Why is the share of a woman one half of a man’s in inheritance and why does Islam insist on two women's witness where one man's witness would suffice?
A - Please recall that men have been placed providers for women in the Islamic society. When the woman gets married, her husband will provide her for. Her brother will remain in charge of provision to his family on the parent's side. To further clarify the point, the inheritance share of the mother and the father is equal.

For your question on witness, please see verse 2:282. First of all, the matter under discussion only pertains to a deed of loan. The verse says that two men (not one) should witness the signing of the document. If two men are not available, then let there be one man and two women, all of them you satisfactorily consider competent as witnesses - so that even if the witnessing woman gets distracted (for example, by her baby), the accompanying woman may support and remind her. Hence, the second woman is not a witness in the court of law. She will not speak to the court. She is there only to support and remind the witnessing woman if she gets distracted.

26. In the first edition you answered, since God is Omnipresent, ascension of Jesus unto Him makes no sense. Why do you then believe in the ascension of Muhammad?
A – ASRA (night journey) is often mixed up with MI'RAJ (Ascension). Since Allah is Omnipresent, the notion of anyone going to meet with Him over the skies does not stand up to reason. "ASRA" signifies night journey and it refers to the beginning of the exalted Messenger's emigration from Makkah to Madinah by night. Verses 20:77 and 26:52 use the same term for migration of Prophet Moses along with his followers across the sea. Also consider 17:2. Then, 17:60 refers to a dream of the Prophet (S).
Masjid Al-Aqsa means, the Remote Mosque and refers to the ‘Remote Mosque’ in Madinah, the place where Muslims used to establish congregational prayer before the Prophet's arrival to the city. "Masjid" here may also be understood as Madinah being the place of collective submission to Allah's Commands.
The word 'Mi'raj' (Bodily Ascension of any human being) nowhere occurs in the Quran. Yet, under erroneous traditions it is a popular, though non-Quranic, belief among Muslims that the exalted Messenger was taken up physically unto the heavens to meet with Allah!
The exalted Messenger never ascended to the heavens. Allah is everywhere. Our brilliant Muhaddithin and historians bring a lot of irrational and contradictory material on this subject:
01. Me'raaj happened in Madinah. But the word Me'raaj is not found in the Quran.
02. No sorry! It happened in Makkah.
03. It happened just before Hijrah.
04. Sorry! It happened 9 years before Hijrah.
05. The Prophet was sleeping at Umm Hani's house. Gabriel held his hand and took him to Allah up there in the heavens.
06. Oh' no! (That would be a slander). He was sleeping in the Ka'bah.
07. Gabriel opened his chest and poured faith and wisdom from a platter of gold before taking him up there.
08. Sorry! That surgery was performed when he was 3 years old.
09. Gabriel took him straight to the heavens. Sorry again! The angel first took him to Jerusalem.
10. No, it was not Gabriel. Burraaq (The Santor with the head and face of a beautiful woman and the body of a horse) carried him to the heavens at lightning speed.
These are not even 1% of the insults. The real ascension of the exalted Messenger was his character, and not some kind of Greek Mythology.
The Divine Laws are unchangeable under all circumstances. Bodily Ascension is a Biblical and not a Quranic theme at all.
27. What is the position of terrorism in Islam?
A - Islam and Terrorism are mutually exclusive. While terrorism is the antithesis of Islam, Islam is the antithesis of terrorism. The Quran declares in no uncertain terms, "Terrorism or persecution is a crime more grievous than killing" (2:217). The Mighty Book also advises all mankind that the best way to ensure peace and to avoid fear and grief is to benefit the fellow humans and do justice even with the enemy (5:8).

And the exalted Prophet advises: "Avoid extremism in religion. It has been a destroyer of nations."

28. Is there any living model state of Islam anywhere in the world?
A - Unfortunately not. The Taliban of Afghanistan (1996 to 2001) presented a glaring picture of the Ajami Islam. Ritualism, burqas and beards, religious police, compulsion in religion, poverty, hunger, subhuman existence, all these things are fruits of the Number Two Islam. So is lack of education, especially of women. Islam is a great liberator of humanity. Religions including N2I are nothing but shackles for the human mind and soul.

29. Please clarify the difference between Islam and the Ajami Number Two Islam.
A - Islam is DEEN (the Prescribed Way of Life) revealed by God and preserved in the Glorious Quran. It guarantees total success in both lives. N2I or No. 2 Islam is a set of empty rituals, senseless dogmas, cultural baggage, inherited irrationalities and blind following. It revolves around Mullahs and Mystics (the Muslim clergy). It guarantees subhuman life, misery and chaos. Mullahs and Mystics bar people from the Way of Allah (9:34). In fact, the entire history of mankind is a story of the battle between DEEN and RELIGION. All prophets’ DEEN has always been, "God is One and mankind is one community." After the prophet departs the clergy distort this simple Message. Rulers and the wealthy always prefer religion over Deen. This is because religion (mazhab) promotes manmade distinctions within humanity.

30. How is Satan viewed in Islam?
A - Satan is our uncontrolled selfish desire that rebels against Divinely ordained values. The Prophet (S) once stated, "Everyone has an Iblees (Satan) within." Companions respectfully inquired, "O Messenger of Allah! Even you have it?" Muhammad (S) replied, "Yes, I have made him a Muslim." So, he had his desires submit to Allah’s Commands and, thus, he had complete self-control.

31. The Quran calls the wife as a tilth of her husband. Doesn't that reflect ownership?
A - Verse 2:223 is referring to women in general, and not to wives (Nisaa not Azwaj). Their likeness is that of gardens that turn the seeds into flowery plants. Women in the society are the custodians of future generations. This is another reason why they must be treated with respect.

32. Why did God create evil?
A - God does not create evil. It is our actions that determine the good or evil of things, emotions, power, wealth etc. Using a cliché, a knife in the hands of a surgeon is life-saving, but in the hands of a killer it is evil. Verse 113:1 refers to the evil aspects of things.

33. Are religious teachers (Mullahs) in the West any different from Mullahs in the East?
A - Not at all! They all are molded in the same factory. All of them represent the manmade Number Two Islam. I can suggest a litmus test. Any person who preaches beard and veiling belongs to the Counterfeit, Ajami Islam, and, thus is a Mullah/Mullani at heart. The Quran neither ordains beard, nor veiling.

34. Is not the beard a Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet?
A – No! It has been a part of the Arab culture. Abu Jahl, Abi Lahab, Waleed bin ‘Atbah, ‘Aaas bin Waael, ‘Atbah bin Rabee’, Waleed bin Mugheerah as well as Jews and Christians of Arabia all kept beards.

35. What is the 'factory" you referred to?
A - The so called "Deeni Madaris" or Madrasahs. Everything about Mazhab (ritualistic religion) is taught in them but the pristine, unadulterated Quran. Who is the criminal behind this conspiracy? The criminal here is Nizamulmulk Toosi (1018-1092 CE), the grand Vizier of Saljuk rulers. This Ajami Zoroastrian under the guise of a Muslim name established the NIZAMIYA University in Neshapur and Baghdad. Until this day the religious curriculum designed by him (Dars-e-Nizami) is being taught in Madrasahs throughout the world, (8,500 Madrasahs in Pakistan alone). What is their product? - TALIBAN. Ironically, the most famous and ancient “Islamic” University in the world, Al-Azhar at Cairo, is whole-heartedly devoted to teaching the manmade, Hadithi Islam!

36. What are the true sources of Islam?
A – The only Authentic Source of Islam is the Book of Allah, Al-Quran. Sunnah (the acts of the exalted Prophet) and Hadith (his sayings) are often cited as the second source of Islam. But they were collected centuries later, and they are self-contradictory and strongly differ between sects. Moreover, they are loaded with irrational themes that collide with the Quran.

37. Why are Muslim women not allowed to marry men among People of the Book?
A – See verse 5:5.

5:5 This Day, all good food of your choice is made lawful for you. ---. You are permitted to marry the virtuous, chaste women among the believers and the virtuous, chaste women of those who were given the scripture before. ---.


Among the many wonderful chapters of human history, let us briefly examine one glittering page. At the outset of his prophethood, Muhammad, the exalted, issued a mission statement. And with marvelous glory and accuracy, he accomplished that mission during his lifetime. What was that noblest mission statement?

"We will establish a state in which a young maiden laden with jewelry and ornaments will travel alone from San'aa in Yemen to Busra in Syria (a distance of more than 1500 miles), yet, she will have no fear but the fear of Allah."

Dear reader, we are talking of times when no highway in Arabia was considered safe even for armed caravans. Robbery, looting, killing, and dishonoring women were rampant. Abduction, ambush, and enslavement were considered a matter of pride. The noble goal of the exalted Messenger not only meant establishing the rule of law, but also entailed changing the hearts of people. It also meant that the common person would have total confidence in the state, in the government, in the system, and in the individuals who had lived in that blessed society.

The Savior of humanity achieved that and more in a brief span of time. The eyes of the heavens have yet to see the like of that sacred era again. Very soon a time had come in the Islamic empire where it was next to impossible to find a needy person. People went from village to village, town to town to look for someone who would accept their charity, and found none. Sounds Utopian Doesn’t it?

The Second Caliph of Islam, Umar Farooq the Great (R.A.) used to say, "If a dog died of hunger by the Euphrates River, I am afraid Umar will be held accountable." He also said, "I have been appointed your Amir so that I may stop your prayers from reaching the heavens". This displays the conviction he instilled into his subjects; the confidence that the Islamic state will meet all individuals' basic needs and they won't have to grieve and feel wanting in any area of their life as far as humanly possible.

Can any civilization in history or today's Europe, Japan, and America boast of such abundant economy, mutual brotherhood and total security of life, honor, and property?

Messenger Muhammad, the exalted, succeeded in establishing a just and equitable society by inculcating a deep-seated faith in the hearts of people; the faith that giving will be rewarded manifold in both worlds. Professor Hawtrey and Dean Inge have remarked that "the prosperity of any society has and always will depend on the incentive provided for work. In Islam, a person will work hard so he can give more".

Many readers will find it refreshing to know that in the true Dar'ul' Islam (Islamic State), it was the obligation of the state to fulfill the basic individual needs such as:

a. Food
b. Clothing
c. Shelter
d. Education
e. Employment (or Unemployment Allowance)
f. Requisite Tools
g. Transportation to and from the place of work
h. Medical Care
i. Retirement benefits

This subdued the capitalistic evils (such as usury, profiteering, fear of poverty, insecurity, insurance worries and provision for the survivors etc.) while guaranteeing enough individual freedom to avoid the socialistic evils (such as subjugation to the state). How could such an environment fail to produce selfless individuals and the ideal society!

I respectfully propose that the world leadership ponder over the noble mission statement of the exalted Messenger, and what was done to achieve it, as our fountain spring of life for the coming millenniums.
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