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Why jews chose madina to live?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:08 am
by abdullah

My Question is Jews destination was Palestine and Egypt area, why they were moved to Madina?


Why jews chose madina to live?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:23 pm
by Arnold Yasin Mol
Salaam Abdullah,

In 70 AD, the Jews were kicked out of Jerusalem after they revolted against the Roman surpressors. Many Jews were killed by the Roman armies and so many fled towards areas were the Romans did not rule.

It became a Roman law that Jews were not allowed to live or eventually even enter Jerusalem. This rule was also applied after the Roman empire turned Christian.

It was through Caliph Umar after taking Jerusalem that Jews were allowed back into Jerusalem.

The Jews spread in 3 phases:

1. They spread through Arabia in the 1st century to flee from Roman rule. This is how they also ended up in Medina as Medina/Yathrib laid outside the Roman Empire and thus they were free. They also fled to Yemen, Egypt and some parts of then Persia.

2. They eventually spread to Europe but had to flee to Hungary, Poland and Tjechiaslowakia after the Roman-Catholic Church prosecuted everybody that was non-Catholic, the first Inquisition.

3. When the Roman-Catholic Church regained power after some Political conflicts between royal-families that ruled France, it conquered Muslim-Spain and again forced everyone to become Catholic or flee or die. This was the second Inquisition.

The Jews fled together with the Muslims back into Morrocco and North-Afrika. They also went to Belgium and Holland as these allowed any religion. See this map that shows the 3 fases: