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Quran Top of Best Selling Books of the Year - Afsara Sheikh

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:33 pm
by Dr. Shabbir
Afsara Sheikh's email from Beijing

Quran Top of Best Selling Books of the Year

The holy Quran, the sacred book of Muslims, is at the top of the list of best-selling religious books in the world.

According to news sources in the last days of 2006 which coincides with Christmas and the new Christian year tendency has grown toward the holy Quran in the non-Islamic countries and many people buy the translated version of the holy Quran as their Christmas presents.

According to many European Press people are hearing new things about Islam every day and their need for learning more about Islam has made them more thirsty for the contents of the holy Quran and the teachings of Islam.