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For Discussion: Old Age problem of worshipping

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:33 pm
by Naushad
Salaam all,

This post is not really a question but wanted to get feedback from others so I thought I should just post it here in the Q and A section.

Based on the understanding I have developed in past year or so is that the purpose of Quran is for humans is to establish a system of life based on Quranic laws. The laws are outlined in Quran to provide equality, justice, human rights, social rights and any common sense good to man kind.

But based on the history of mankind, it seems like the human nature was always looking to worship something or some deity. Like as history shows us that when humans saw the sun, they started to worship sun. When they saw fire, they started worshipping fire and so on.

Even when Islam arrived in the Arabia people were busy worshipping dieties. Even Christians and Jews were busy worshipping Allah (and nowadays including us muslims too). It seems so difficult for a common human to disconnect from this concept of worship as I guess to some extent it is burnt into our physche to some extent. Only the ones who truly analyze things and try to understand the reasons behind the Quran and its wisdom learn to dis-associate from worshipping Allah and start to move towards OBEYING the laws of Allah in order to establish a just society.

I guess my dillema is that if I try to talk to an everyday muslim and tell him that our goal is to NOT WORSHIP Allah and rather obey the laws of Allah outlined in Quran then he will look at me thinking I am crazy or a kaafir etc. Majority of the people cannot comprehend NOT worshipping Allah. I look at our mosques these days and majority of them look nothing different to me than Hindu temples. Hindus worship statues and we (muslims) in similar fashion worship Allah.

A general muslim would agree that yes we need to follow laws of Allah outlined in Quran but they just cant seem to come out of the concept of worshipping Allah.

Any thoughts or comments? If I am thinking in the right direction then what are some of the steps that we can do to educate people that Allah does not need our worship and rituals. He would rather be much happier if we struggle to establish a just society using Quran as a constitution compared to show up at a local mosque (or what I call a muslim temple) and just be content in offering 5 ritual prayers.

My apologies in advance to readers who may think I am a kaafir or a non-believer in Allah because I am not.

Thank you,


For Discussion: Old Age problem of worshipping

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:42 pm
by Arnold Yasin Mol

This is why the only thing we need to do is to show the Quranic System and compare it with what they believe Islam is, and then simply question; "Under what system did the Prophet and his companions create the Paradise on Earth in the 7th century?"

The intellectuals will pick it up step by step. You have to remember Naushad, that not very many people are blessed with insight or the ability to really learn. Their enviroment determines what their view on Reality is.

The elite of the 3th century after the Prophet changed Islam into a religion so it could serve them instead of the people. The view on Reality was changed, and most people accepted it, as they cannot grasp Reality unless the enviroment allows it.

This is why only the modern intellectuals and brave and honest elite can change Islam back to what it was. And with elite, I mean the word in any form, the blessed with wealth, brains, ideas, contacts, leadership, position and so on.

Then the correct view on Reality is introduced back into society, and the majority will feel home again. And then they can let go slowly of their idea that they should offer God or any deity a form of worship.

It was the elite of Medina that recognized the Truth in the Message, now a new elite will stand up in the name of the Truth.