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Describing One As Kafir - by Alan Border

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:25 pm
by Dr. Shabbir
The N21s like Alan are blinded to the difference between NAMAZ (ritual prayer) and AQAMAT-US-SALAT (establishing the System of Salat where the obedience to Divine Commands is facilitated).

Describing One As Kafir

In a discussion with a friend, I told him that a person who deliberately omits to offer obligatory prayers is considered a non-Muslim. I have heard from scholars that the criterion, which distinguishes Muslims from non-Muslims, is prayer. My friend argues that we cannot call anyone a 'Kafir'. Please explain.

A person who denies the obligation of prayer is certainly a non-believer, or 'Kafir'. We have no hesitation in describing him as such because he denies an essential point of our religion, which is commonly known to all.

A person who omits to offer one prayer every now and then cannot be described as a non-believer or a 'Kafir', because he acknowl­edges the duty of prayer and he practices it. Its omission is certainly a sin of which he should repent properly. Such repentance cannot be described as proper unless it is accompanied by stopping the omission completely.

Your friend is correct in being careful with regard to who can be described as non-believer. He is not right, however, in saying that we cannot call a non-Muslim a 'Kafir', because the term 'Kafir' means a non-Muslim.


Describing One As Kafir - by Alan Border

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:54 pm
by Ahmed Mateen
Not only they are blinded to the difference between NAMAZ and AQAMAT-US-SALAT but also they failed to realize that Quran gives much simple definition of Kufr or Kafir:

5:44 Whoever does not judge and rule according to what Allah has Revealed, such are the disbelievers.

which sect, or so called Islamic state the above Ayat has left? Which Book speaks the Truth more openly than Quran? And the Quran further says:

5:45 Whoever does not judge or rule according to what Allah has Revealed, such are the wrongdoers.
5:47 Those who fail to judge and rule according to Allah's Revelation, are drifters from the Right Path.

Disbelievers, wrongdoers and drifters from the right path, are the people who find their guidance from other sources and do not rule according to what Allah has revealed.