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Covid-19 - Dr. Fauci had to say right before

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:22 pm
by Zubair Khan

Covid-19 - Dr. Fauci had to say right before

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:42 am

Covid-19 - Dr. Fauci had to say right before

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:30 pm
by jawaid ahmed

I have asked this before, what profound truth is there to be found in making us believe in a globe earth, slightly fattened at poles like an ostrich egg, instead of a flat earth?

A conspiracy to keep us away from a flat earth must have some reason behind it.

Prof Dave is still waiting for his answers and if you could go through each and every question to show where he is wrong and you are right then this would go some way to making us believe, can you answer him?

You have boasted about your eminent knowledge of the flat earth so my two questions should be easy to answer, with proper proof, not bitchite!

Covid-19 - Dr. Fauci had to say right before

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 6:38 pm
by Aarun Uk Truther

"It's quite Sad what we have been forced to believe in. Don't stay tuned to your TV, please."

Thank God someone understands.

Covid-19 - Dr. Fauci had to say right before

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 8:53 pm
by Ishfaq Mohammed

“Why?? You've been indoctrinated and Brainwashed so deeply you cannot think outside the ball. Be honest with yourself, have you actually taken out time to even Research FE without prejudice”

Oh yes, just like you I am being honest. Indeed, I have sincerely researched as I too was once full of enthusiasm and a passionate Flat Earther myself. I bet you did not know that, did you?

Which brings me to, have you Sir even considered that maybe YOU are the one deeply indoctrinated and brainwashed and that it is your head and not our globe that may be, well... Flat? I did eventually think outside my flat world like the increasingly many each and every day. Thankfully, I am now free from the shackles of this stupidity.

Covid-19 - Dr. Fauci had to say right before

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 4:17 pm
by jawaid ahmed

Amir, can I ask what scientific credentials you have to declare a global pandemic a fake when all of the world is united as one in trying to stop it, save lives and return us to normal existence, except for a few nut case conspiracy theorists.

May I add that the few 'experts' Aarun the deceiver has given us have all been debunked as frauds so can you do any better?