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Turkish Police Recover Stolen Jewish Torah Scrolls

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 1:17 pm
by Aarun Uk Truther

Turkish Police Recover Stolen Jewish Torah Scrolls

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:29 pm
by Mahmood Qaddus, Canada

He definitely is a Muslim.


Turkish Police Recover Stolen Jewish Torah Scrolls

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:42 pm
by jawaid ahmed

Arabs used to go around the kaabah naked and worship hundreds of gods. Then they discovered the One True Allah.

The Bible and the Qur'an tells us that some Jews deviated, worshipped other gods, but the majority stayed with one G_d.

What have the deviants got to do with the majority monotheistic, Jews?

Oh yes, it fits in with the flat liner mindset that they are controlling the world and only by ripping off their 'human skins' will we expose the lizards beneath, now I see!

Insulting others is a sin in the Qur'an, now that you are aware of what it says, you have no excuse on Judgement Day when asked about it:

6:108 (O Believers) Do not insult the idols they set up besides God. They might insult God in their ignorance and hurt themselves. To every community We have made their deeds seem fair. Then to their Lord is their return and He will explain to them exactly what they used to do.

But maybe you are not on the right path and that is why you backbite doctors and everyone engaged in helping humanity:

33:48 And heed not the rejecters and the hypocrites. Disregard their insults, and put your trust in God. God is Sufficient as Guardian.

Turkish Police Recover Stolen Jewish Torah Scrolls

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:29 pm
by Aarun Uk Truther

I follow Deen , Not Religion, know the difference! Be very careful questioning other peoples knowledge of Quran, just because they have a different understanding or even a better understanding than yours. I understand it may put a bit of a dent in your ego. You been twisting many things I've said in my posts just to give yourself some self gratification and to make yourself feel all righteous and free of any insults given yet you are complete full of insults towards me especially when I mention and talk about the Truths of Flat Earth as it hurts your Ego the most. What hypocrisy!

33:48 And heed not the rejecters and the hypocrites. Disregard their insults, and put your trust in God. God is Sufficient as Guardian.

Humble yourself Brother. you are showing to me and everyone your arrogance. If you claim to be student of Quran then act like it. Me, I am forever a student, always questioning, always learning, cross referencing many translations and not just sticking to one. Surah Aal-Imran Ayah 7 [ Hence “And no one knows its interpretation except Allah...”

I am very much well acquainted with the QXP translations you've mentioned. I have much respect for Dr Shabbir Ahmed. However when it comes to those verses concerning the shape of the Earth, the translations are very erroneous. I am 100% confident in that. Basically many are trying to make the Quran conform to the dogmas of scientism. If it weren't for those completely mistranslated verses about the shape of the Earth I would've been a Flat Earther many many years ago. Thank Allah for opening my eyes and also for many more Muslim brothers and sisters to the Truth. These QXP translations for sure need a re-evaluation and IMHO certainly need updating to what is more scientifically factual and True which is the Geo-Centric Model. I do hope that Dr Shabbir Is reading this so he can make those seriously needed changes to his translation of them.

The ostrich egg concept comes from the meaning "An ostrich spreading the ground to lay the egg" scholars and people have then confused it with meaning the earth is the shape of an ostrich egg. No authentic translation will mention such things.


" And he who spread out the earth and made (mountains) anchors and rivers in it and in the earth all kinds of fruits; in pairs. He covers the night with the day". indeed in this are signs for people who ponder".

Most translations say "Spread Out" Meaning that he spread it so that things may lie flat on it, which is a counter argument against those who claim that it is round like a ball (sphere).

"covers the day in to night" as nothing to do with a ball. It's the incorrect and mistranslation of it. Have you not considered that coil could mean the other way (Horizontally). Jawaid the clue is in the translation you have presented from QXP yourself. I am now asking you to ponder with great care. It's right there in front of you...

"21:33 And He is the One Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They swim along, each in an orbit."

Reflect deeply on the verse above which Allah wrote. ie The sun and the moon, they swim along in an orbit. YOU DO NOT GET THAT in The Free Mason Masonic Helio-Centric Model of the Cosmos, Earth in which the absolutely "massive" Sun is Still and the Earth and other planets revolve around it. Where in Quran does it say that the Earth is moving or swimming??? However it says clearly as you stated from Quran there, the sun and moon swim. (move). comprende?? The Sun and Moon orbit above the Stationary Flat Plane called Earth.

Therefor this translation is in Error Manifest. "Dhahaha, egg shaped, like ostrich egg, round but flatten at poles. Orbits means not a earth geo-centric model which went out during the Islamic Andalusian and after the European age of enlightenment periods." Jawaid they call the shape an oblate spheroid. So wait a minute. First they were telling us it’s a sphere, complete sphere (circle as in many official nasa images of planet earth), now oblate spheroid and wait for it, it's now according to one of the world’s best known Astro Physicists Neil Degrass Tyson " It is Pear shaped" LOL, Can you Not see the lies and the Mockery, They are laughing at you. hahaha

FYI the Heliocentric Model of the Earth is just around 500 years old perpetuated by the Jesuit Free Masons right up until now. All the ancient civilisations depicted Geo-centric Model of the cosmos. from the incas, aztecs, ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks, Persian, African, Sumerians, Roman, Indian, mesa's navajos, I could go on... There is only one who differs, the Cult you people are propagating and following yes nasa and their MSM puppets!

"Maybe you are still in the 14th century Dark Ages of Europe, or pre-islamic jahiliah age of ignorance."

This is precisely what you propagate even when Quran is saying the opposite but you perceive it not. There is Pre Islamic Jahiliah and Post Islamic Jahilliah, its kind of worse in a sense now as we have all the Tools and power of technology at our very finger tips and yet Ignorance is still very high even amongst so called Muslims. This is one of the reasons why Non Muslims of east and west have excelled because many don't have close minds and many of them are always in opposition to what they've been indoctrinated with.

It's rather obvious you have not done any research on this and just ridicule and mock people like us. As I said earlier, It's okay I understand why you and many people do this. It's called Brainwashing, It's not an easy thing to admit that you've been fooled and been following nonsensical theories all your life. I understand that many of you are suffering from cognitive dissonance because that is what Flat Earth does. It knocks your core belief systems that you have been programmed with and now follow quite blindly. This is what Truth does to falsehood. It knocks its brain out Like Allah mentions in Quran.

Who made the earth for you a carpet

And the sky a structure (2:22)

Would anyone ever make a carpet that covers a curve or dress a curve?? LOL We are living in a enclosed system protected by a (firmament) as claimed in the Quran and Bible in so many verses.

This structure(Firmament, Glass Ceiling), they the US military have been hell bent on trying to penetrate it, break it with their nuke missiles. Check out Operation Fishbowl.

Even Hilary Clinton stated clearly "Hillary Clinton: Glass Ceiling Will Be Shattered Some Day"

Everything about the spinning blue globe earth is totally nonsensical. It insults basic human intelligence, common sense and logic. So I suggest as a sincere advisor and a fellow Muslim Brother you look at this topic without any preconceived ideas or notions and start from a clean slate and do your absolute thorough research on it before you making a big mockery of yourself. You first have to put aside your ignorance and ego and Un know what you think you know. I mean Quran should be enough for you as the answers are there but to verify it with all your senses should be icing on the cake with the cherry on top.

"You know that making a statement about a flat earth requires simple evidence" The simple evidences are right in front of you. But you gleefully ignore them. Use your God given faculties brother. There is NO CURVATURE, No one in the history of mankind has ever felt the Earth moving or spinning! Don't rely on NASA images and cartoons, cgi videos that you've eaten hook line and sinker. They are proven liars.

Lastly, so you quoted a Verse in the Bible about Jesus. Okay let me ask you this. If the Earth was a Ball(Absolutely ImpossiBall) but for sake of argument, If it were a Ball and Jesus went up a mountain and could see all of the Earth, How could that possible be if it were to be a ball.?? His vision could not go beyond the curvature to see the other side or the underside. You see how deluded that understanding is? You getting it yet? However, on a Flat Stationary Realm Plane Earth, it makes all the sense in the world. He could see north south east and west to the far ends of the Earth.

The Bible is full of many amazing verses depicting the Earth as being Flat and Motionless. There are many more but pls do your homework.

1 Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”

Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...”

Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ...”

Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.”

Isaiah 45:18: “...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast...

I can't believe I have to explain this yet again but again its okay I hope you are slowly starting to see it. Is there any wonder why they have been censoring most good videos on Flat Earth and left the ones that basically trying all their best to debunk FE.

Turkish Police Recover Stolen Jewish Torah Scrolls

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:47 pm
by Aarun Uk Truther




Jawaid Prove this guy Wrong??? He's offered 100k Euros Can you? Then be careful what you are propagating.