Saba Khan's email - Mufti's Corner

Here we will show what Islam is not and how it is refuted by the Quranic Message.
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Dr. Shabbir
Posts: 1950
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:46 pm

Saba Khan's email - Mufti's Corner

Post by Dr. Shabbir »

Allah is not a human king who would happily accept or angrily reject a gift. Our devotion to Allah's Commands is only good for us in both lives. He is Ghaniyyun 'anil-Aalameen (Independent of all His creation).

Q: What are the signs of an act of worship like Hajj accepted by Allah?

A. You feel good and look beautiful with your face glowing. People say that you are a pious man.

If your worship is not accepted you feel gloomy and their is curse on your face. People say that you are an awful person and run away from you.

Wallahu A'lam
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