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Indians fighting in Pakistan as Taliban

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 2:52 pm

Indians fighting in Pakistan as Taliban

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 2:59 pm
by BrassTacks

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind

Dear brothers and sisters,

اسلام علیکم

Peace be upon you

1. Major who fell helping out comrades laid to rest

Another brave son of the Ummah gives his life to protect the honor of the Ummat-e-Marhoom and پاک سر زمین

شہید کی جو موت ہے

وہ قوم کی حیات ہے

“Maj Abid Majeed Malik who laid down his life during Operation Rah-i-Rast near Matta, in Swat, on Tuesday, was buried with full military honours at the Cavalry Ground graveyard here on Wednesday. The major fell while trying to evacuate his injured comrades...”

2. Indians Fighting In Swat

Warning: Explicit & Disturbing Pictures. Pictures below contain nudity and are gruesome. Please do not proceed beyond the written description if such material is offensive to you.

“Pictures of Uzbek and Gurkhas non-Muslim militants killed during the Pakistani military sweep of the Swat Valley. These exclusive pictures show that they are uncircumcised. Their facial features prove they could be Gurkha fighters whom the Indian and the British militaries use to fight in mountainous regions. The Americans have also hired some of them. The pictures also show that some of theses killed terrorists could be Uzbeks from Abdul Rasheed Dostom’s murderous militias in Afghanistan that are allied with the U.S. occupation army and Kabul’s puppet government.”

3. Arms sent by US to Afghan forces end up in Taliban hands

And also in the hands of TTP terrorists in Pakistan, who are being funded and supplied by Afghan and Indian secret services from Afghanistan:

“Pentagon munitions have leaked from Afghan forces to Taliban militants, enabling them to fight an insurgency for years against materially superior US and Afghan forces, The New York Times reported on Tuesday. According to a Times study of ammunition markings, of the 30 rifle magazines removed from the corpses of insurgents in eastern Afghanistan last month at least 17 contained cartridges, or rounds, ‘identical’ to ammunition the United States has provided to Afghan government forces...”

4. The American War on Wana

This paper must be read carefully by Pakistani military. US is trying to drag Pakistan into Wana war using the cover of Uzbeks and Baitullah. The trap we must avoid at all costs. We can still eliminate this threat if we deploy alternate smart and covert means instead of another high intensity war within our own borders, especially when being lured into a trap!!!

5. Pepco says shortfall reaches 2,500MW

Iran is willing to offer us cheap electricity but the government’s agenda is to cause an economic meltdown, hence they are artificially creating this crisis and not buying from Iran. Traitors!!!!

“Electricity shortfall in the country reached 2,500 megawatts on Wednesday. According to the Pakistan Electric Power Company, the demand rose to 15,193MW because of intense heat, but the supply remained at 12,693MW, leaving a gap of 2,500MW...”

6. Aali new chief of Bugti tribe

He is a pro-Pakistan Baluch and separatists are extremely angry over his appointment. انشاءاللہ, Aali will unite the Baluchs and Bugtis and make this country stronger.

“Nawabzada Aali S. Bugti was elected chief of the Bugti tribe on Tuesday to succeed his late grandfather Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti. A ceremony was held in Sui to formally inaugurate Aali Bugti as the tribe’s chief and Amirhan Faqir, the custodian of the shrine of Pir Suri, helped him don the traditional turban and handed over the tribal sword to him...”

7. Catholic Church failed to stop 'endemic' sex abuse

Then they have the audacity to come and complain about our madrassas and teach us about morality and civilization. Shame on them!!

“Rape and abuse of Irish children were 'endemic' at Catholic-run homes, nine-year inquiry finds Beatings and humiliation by nuns and priests were common at institutions that held up to 30,000 children, Ryan report states.”

8. Zaid Hamid on ARY

Zaid Hamid's interview in which he spoke on current situation of Swat. Zaid Sahib has also discussed relief efforts by Army and ISPR statement on Afghan Taliban. Politicians are not supporting the sacrifices also taken to task.

9. Our Great History

Lest we forget -- Glimpse from our great history

Honorable King Salahuddin. You can watch the trailor of animated movie of great worrior of Muslims by clicking on this link. Which reminds us our great and glorious past of Islam.

10. Beautiful Pakistan, ماشاءاللہ

A country that is worth dying for.

جذاک اللہ خیراً


Zaid Hamid

Indians fighting in Pakistan as Taliban

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:05 pm
by Zeeshan

Warning: Explicit & Disturbing Pictures

Pictures below contain nudity and are gruesome.

Please do not proceed beyond the written description if such material is offensive to you.

By Zaid Hamid And Ahmed quraishi

Wednesday, 20 May 2009..


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Pictures of Uzbek and Gurkhas non-Muslim militants killed during the Pakistani military sweep of the Swat Valley. These exclusive pictures show that they are uncircumcised. Their facial features prove they could be Gurkha fighters whom the Indian and the British militaries use to fight in mountainous regions. The Americans have also hired some of them. The pictures also show that some of theses killed terrorists could be Uzbeks from Abdul Rasheed Dostom’s murderous militias in Afghanistan that are allied with the U.S. occupation army and Kabul’s puppet government.

The question that arises here is this: Why is the Pakistani military’s media arm, the ISPR, not releasing these pictures to the Pakistani media? This is the biggest proof that Indians are not only sending trained butchers and terrorists from Afghanistan disguised as Taliban to kill Pakistanis, but there are actual Indians fighting within the ranks of this so-called Pakistani Taliban in Swat?

Is the Pakistani military afraid of the pro-U..S. government in Islamabad and does not want to cross the line? It is the responsibility of Mr. Rehman Malik, the Federal Interior Minister, to bring such evidence to the notice of the President, the Prime Minister, and the Foreign Minister so that the elected government could raise this issue with the United States and NATO and take a stand on the reason why these supposed allies of Pakistan are letting Afghanistan be used as a base for anti-Pakistan activities, especially by the Indians and their paid agents in the Kabul government. So why is this not happening? And why is Pakistan letting the United States and its allied government in Islamabad get away with the murder of Pakistanis at the hands of terrorists sent from Afghanistan?


If the pictures don’t appear here, please click here to watch them at the PakNationalists forum.

Indians fighting in Pakistan as Taliban

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:08 pm
by Qaiser Felix

Swat Valley: two million refugees on the run, as Caritas Pakistan provides assistance

by Qaiser Felix

The Catholic NGO is providing essential items, planning a sustained effort with the assistance of international partners. Bishop Coutts stresses the need for caution to avoid offending the sensibilities of people of various religions but slams the victimisation of minorities. Christian families are forced out of refugee camps.

Faisalabad (AsiaNews) – Caritas Pakistan, with the help of various international partners, is providing mattresses, fans, field tents and mobile clinics for the two million refugees who, according to the latest United Nations figures, have fled the fighting between Pakistani military and the Taliban in the Swat Valley

Mgr Joseph Coutts, bishop of Faisalabad and national director of Caritas Pakistan, talks about the work performed by Catholic volunteers, stressing the caution they must display because the area in which they operate is not secure and because they must show extreme discretion given the sensitivities of the various people from different faiths.

“Our mission,” said the prelate, “is to provide, aid, love and assistance to all those in need, as Jesus Christ taught.”

About 300 mattresses and 25 fans were brought to refugee camps in Mardan North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), home to people who fled mountain areas. As temperatures rise (up to 50 degrees C) the emergency situation is getting worse.

Outside the city of Mardan the government has set up two large relief camps, Sheikh Shahzad and Sheikh Yaseen, holding about 20,000 people, a number that is increasing every day.

“With the support of its international partners Caritas Pakistan is sending 2,000 tents to these camps in Mardan to increase capacity. Each tent is enough for a small family. Our international partners will also arrange mobile clinics for these internally displaced people,” the prelate said. .

Problems in the affected area are not recent but date back to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. As Afghan refugees poured across the border the Taliban come to the NWFP. Local Taliban groups emerged in the area, and eventually took it over, creating an emergency situation that deteriorated as soon as the Taliban began enforcing Sharia. After that then open warfare broke out with the Pakistani military.

Religious minorities are among the most vulnerable groups because in addition to the war they have experienced harassment and abuse.

Recently Sikhs have been forced to pay the Jizya, a poll tax imposed on non-Muslims for the benefit of Muslims. In other instances Christian families have been forced out of refugee camps because Muslims did not want them around.

For this reason Caritas Pakistan is acting with extreme caution.

In the meantime, fighting continues between the army and Taliban in various parts of the Malakand division.

In Islamabad the Pakistani cabinet met under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani; on the agenda: the law and order situation in tribal areas, the ongoing military operations in Swat and Malakand, and what steps to take in favour refugees.

Indians fighting in Pakistan as Taliban

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:15 pm
by PakAlert Press

Get ready for the worst!

Pic of the day - 21/05/09

Pic of the day - 21/05/09

Read this newsletter online:

The American War On Wana

In this insightful article, American journalist Peter Chamberlin presents a compelling narrative, explaining how CIA planners, in “Operation Enduring Turmoil,” have been busy using some of the Northern Alliance’s most ruthless men, along with a sizeable force of Uzbeks, to destabilize Pakistan’s Federally Administrated Tribal Areas and the North West Frontier Province. Pakistan, Chamberlin writes, is the keystone in an American strategic move that stretches in an arc across the entire Middle East and southern central Asia. If Pakistan is not totally under American control then the plan cannot work. The existence of this plan accounts for the brazenness shown in American actions taken in Pakistan that are in direct contravention of the expressed will of the Pakistani people and their leaders, actions clearly intended to undermine Army and governmental authority.

Read more:

ALERT: Indians Fighting In Swat – WARNING: Disturbing Pictures

Pictures of Uzbek and Gurkhas non-Muslim militants killed during the Pakistani military sweep of the Swat Valley. These exclusive pictures show that they are uncircumcised. Their facial features prove they could be Gurkha fighters whom the Indian and the British militaries use to fight in mountainous regions. The Americans have also hired some of them. The pictures also show that some of theses killed terrorists could be Uzbeks from Abdul Rasheed Dostom’s murderous militias in Afghanistan that are allied with the U.S. occupation army and Kabul’s puppet government.

The question that arises here is this: Why is the Pakistani military’s media arm, the ISPR, not releasing these pictures to the Pakistani media? This is the biggest proof that Indians are not only sending trained butchers and terrorists from Afghanistan disguised as Taliban to kill Pakistanis, but there are actual Indians fighting within the ranks of this so-called Pakistani Taliban in Swat?


Read more:

Video: Musharraf Versus Zardari Freeloaders – Fareed Zakaria GPS Full Interview

The entire strength of the Zardari government was in Washington for a week in May 2009. But not a single one of them responded to the American propaganda the way former President Musharraf did. If only had President Musharraf listened to Pakistani patriots who advised him to stop portraying himself as a liberal democrat and return to his original role of a reformist dictator, things would have been better for Pakistan and for himself.


Stop The Rot In Pakistan

If the political parties are unable to produce leaders, we cannot wait for them forever to do so. We in Pakistan do not have the luxury of time. The military can and will prevail over the threats facing us for the time being, but who will assume the challenge of making Pakistan an attractive place for its citizens? Pakistan’s existing ‘national leadership has been a failure in the best of times. Our challenges are tall and our leaders are pygmies. To move forward, Pakistan needs a new deal for the 21st century. And this deal cannot come through the ballot for the foreseeable future. Our best chance is for Pakistan’s best and brightest – outside the realm of our failed parties and a failed system – to step forward with a plan to remodel the state.

Read more:

Kill The Fake Taliban

The commando drop in Peochar Mountains is the biggest Special Forces drop in the history of Pakistan army with 3 battalions landing within the den of terrorists surprising them totally. History is being created in the remote valleys are Special Forces hunt and destroy terrorist dens and cadre. Fierce resistance was being offered by the militants but they are being decimated from all sides.

Read more:

AfPak: Where Empires Go to Die

President Obama is also ratcheting up the rhetoric and activity in Pakistan. There’s a significant increase in ground forces, Predator drones and air attacks. In his announcement on March 27th, President Obama referred to the border region of Afghanistan/Pakistan as, “the most dangerous place in the world....This is not simply an American problem – far from it. It is, instead, an international security challenge of the highest order. Terrorist attacks in London and Bali were tied to al-Qaida and its allies in Pakistan, as were attacks in North Africa and the Middle East, in Islamabad and Kabul. If there is a major attack on an Asian, European, or African city, it, too, is likely to have ties to al-Qaida’s leadership in Pakistan. The safety of people around the world is at stake.

Read more:

Video: Live Action Coverage From Buner – Operation Rah-e-Haq

Kashif Abbasi visits our troops in Buner and witnesses first hand the battle against TTP Terrorists, as well as soldiers harvesting crops and leaving it at the houses of poor villagers who have had to leave due to the fighting. Pakistan Army Zindabad!


‘US special squad killed Benazir Bhutto’

Former prime minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on the orders of the special death squad formed by former US vice-president Dick Cheney, which had already killed the Lebanese Prime Minister Rafique Al Hariri and the army chief of that country.

Read more:

NWO : Front for Cabalist Jewish Tyranny

Most Jews today were not alive in 1918-1922 and would be appalled by the idea that there is a Satanic Jewish conspiracy to enslave mankind. They are not a conscious part of it. Most would be opposed. Most haven’t a clue about the Talmud or the Cabala. They do not realize that Zionism and organized Jewry are run by these fanatical bankers and have a secret agenda.

The constant calls for non-democratic world government by banker- owned politicians are proof that this conspiracy is indeed very real.

Read more:

Israeli Tourism Ministry wipes Palestine off the Map

The Israeli Tourism Ministry is using an advertising campaign called “Experience Israel” in an attempt to encourage tourists to visit the country. But the ministry totally wiped out Palestine off the map by removing any reference to the Palestinian territories.

Read more:

Gaza braces for next Israeli bombing mission

With only months since the latest Israeli military foray into Gaza, Hamas security forces have carried out maneuvers for what they predict to be the next war on the territory. High-ranking Gaza officials said Wednesday that the military exercises — which include an assortment of rescue operations, infrastructure protection, security defense, and combat maneuvers — will help prepare for a forecasted Israeli bombing mission.

Read more:

Court: Bush-era officials untouchable

The US Supreme Court drops a case against FBI Chief and former Attorney General for their alleged 9/11 abuse, saying no Bush-era official could be subject to such cases. The Supreme Court on Monday overturned a New York federal appeals court decision stating former Federal Bureau of Investigation director Robert Mueller and former attorney general John Ashcroft could be held responsible for their alleged mistreatment of the Pakistani terror suspect Javaid Iqbal.

Read more:

Asia Will Suicide If It Creates US Bond Crisis

If Washington is counting on Japan to act as last-resort buyer of US dollar bonds, it may have to think again. Masaharu Nakagawa, finance chief of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), told the BBC that his country should not purchase any more US debt unless issued in yen as “Samurai” bonds, akin to “Carter bonds” in 1978.

Read more:

Video: Megiddo I – The March to Armageddon

The March to Armageddon explores Bible prophecy concerning the last day empire prophesied in the Old and New Testaments. This documentary features never-before-seen interviews with some of the leading researchers on the subject. Megiddo I reveals how God uses prophecy to prove His existence and to separate Himself from all others that claim His authority. This informative documentary also chronicles startling quotes from powerful men of history who have spoken of the need for world government to further the cause of peace.But what does the Bible say about “world peace” and its consequence for mankind? Seen through the lens of prophecy, What is the significance of World War I and II? Were these birth pangs to prepare the nations for World War III and Armageddon? “...the end of all things is at hand...”


Crusaders Inc.

The cross of the Crusaders today has a whole new look. Here it appears with some aspects of its inherent powers more clearly displayed; than it did when it was the simple Christian Cross of the Eleventh Century. Now it is the sword that it always was; the capstone on its hilt is the eye that floats atop the Illuminati’s pyramid. The flared hand guards hold the remnants of the American and British Empires, and the medallion that hangs over the hand guard and falls onto the upper part of the blade, signifies the plague of Zionism, that has triggered so many of today’s Crusades against so many people in nations scattered all over the planet. ‘Crusaders Inc.’ must have their charter removed from the community of nations; or the world will be reduced to that single symbolic drop of blood that drips from what these Bandits have done so far.

Read more:

Video: War is a Racket!

War is a Racket by Smedley Butler is a famous speech denouncing the military industrial complex. This anti-war speech by two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient exposes war profits that benefit few at the expense of many. Throughout his distinguished career in the Marines, Smedley Darlington Butler demonstrated that true patriotism does not mean blind allegiance to government policies with which one does not agree. To Hell with war.


Video: Emergency Broadcast – New World Order Ahead!


Indians fighting in Pakistan as Taliban

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:17 pm
by Hasan Shabbir

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind

Dear brothers and sisters,

اسلام علیکم

Peace be upon you

1. Operation Rah e Haq

الحمد اللہthe Operation is moving on fast pace. Many regions have been cleared and refugees have started to return to their homes. انشاءاللہ, soon, the country wil be rid of this menace and cancer we call TTP.

" The army has made progress in its campaign to secure Sultanwas and is confident that the Buner area will be cleared of militants on Wednesday. “Security forces have succeeded in clearing almost half of Sultanwas and the rest is most likely to be cleared by Wednesday,"

Five burqa-clad Arabs arrested in Mohmand

We even have pics of non-Muslim killed Uzbek, Sikhs or Gorkha terrorists which proves that they are Indian backed foreign militants fighting in Swat and FATA.

"At least 13 militants were killed in a clash with security forces following arrest of five burqa-clad Arabs, one Afghan national and a local man in Mohmand Agency on Tuesday. Four of the five Arabs are Saudi nationals — Ahmed, Ali, Mohammad and Obaidullah — and one Libyan national, Abdullah. The Afghan national has been identified as Habibullah and the local man as Shad Ali. They were detained at the Khapakh checkpost, west of here. The Afghan was living in Chakdara area of Lower Dir..."

Malakand operation endorsed by Ulema

Finally, religious scholars get together to suport the army and the patriots to fight against the cancer of TTP. This is a good sign, الحمد اللہ

"Ulema belonging to different schools of thought endorsed on Tuesday the military operation in Malakand division. Speaking at a conference on ‘Protecting the country from threats of extremism and terrorism’ organised by the ministry of religious affairs, they vowed to combat militancy..."

2. End of LTTE in Sri Lanka

India Defeated In Sri Lanka!

"The Indian-backed terrorism and insurgency in Sri Lanka has finally been defeated. Like the Pakistani military, the Sri Lankans have come to realize that this is not a civil war. This is a foreign-backed trouble. The funniest part of Indian-backed terrorism in Sri Lanka is that it was quite clear where the money, arms and support was coming from. The terrorists were cornered in a tip of the island closest to the southern part of India. No matter how hard the Sri Lankan military pounded these terrorists, they would come back the next day with more weapons. A couple of times the terrorists returned with small planes!"

Sri Lankan army slaughters LTTE leaders

No Sri Lankan ever said that Sri Lanka is about to break. They had faith and love for their country and finally crushed the Indian backed terror group LTTE.

"The 26-year conflict was not, however, a "war on terror" but a communal war to establish the political supremacy of Sinhala ruling elite and to divide the working class."

Prabhakaran's body found

الحمد اللہ Sri Lankans able to crush Indian backed terrorist group. The Sri Lankan forces found the dead body of LTTE head Prabhakaran. It has brought an end to three decades long Indian backed insurgency. A Big Blow to Indians. Now it is turn of TTP to be crushed, انشاءاللہ.

3. CIA: US does not know location of all Pakistan's nuclear weapons

Why is the CIA supposed to know or not know in the first place? Neither Pakistanis are kids nor US their parents, this non-sense of US poking its nose into our matters has to come to a stop soon انشاءاللہ

"Leon Panetta, the CIA director, has said that the US does not know the location of all of Pakistan's nuclear weapons but is confident they are 'pretty secure'. "

4. Pakistan’s own SLV and Paksat launch

الحمد اللہ, glad tidings from Allah to the Muslim Ummah through means of Pak Sarzameen.

"All systems are go. Pakistan’s reach into space is about to take a huge leap within a few months. Pakistan launches its first indigenously produced satellite Paksat-1R in a couple of years. Although this satellite will be launched with Chinese help, Pakistan is developing and will soon have its own Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV). Pakistan already has a headstart on intermediate ballistic missiles, and has the technology, intelligence and resources to convert military missiles to space technology. Muhafiz e Pakistan A.Q. Khan confirms it."

5. Pakistan’s Plutonium based Tritium H-Bombs deter Indian aggression

"Some wonder why Pakistan needs Nuclear weapons. Superpower Army scared to attack Pakistan. Feared India would loose territory. Pakistan began its Nuclear development in the 70s in response to the aggression of Bharat (aka India) as well as the India’s first Nuclear explosion in 1973. At the time, Pakistan approached all the superpowers and asked them for a Nuclear Umbrella. The Pakistani missions were laughed out of town. Pakistan also asked the international community to stop the proliferation perpetuated by Bharat. No efforts were made to stop the proliferation."

6. Can Pakistan trust French “offer” of Civilian Nuclear technology?

"In the 70s France and Pakistan had a signed agreement for a Nuclear Reprocessing plant. Despite the fact that funding had been arranged, France reneged on the sale under pressure from America. In the 90s Benazir Bhutto resurrected the deal and Paris promised to set up a Reprocessing plant for Pakistan. France again did not conform to its promises and did not supply the plant."

7. Here’s how Israel would destroy Iran’s nuclear program

"Israeli government ministers and Knesset members who will help make the decision about whether to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities do not have to wait any longer for a preparatory briefing by the Israel Air Force.They can read about all the possible scenarios for a strike on Iran, and about the potential risks and chances of success, in a study by Abdullah Toukan and Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington."

US training 'terrorists' in Iraq, Iran says

US's do it yourself recipe towards War against terrorism !

"Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused Washington on Tuesday of training "terrorists" in the Kurdish region of neighboring Iraq."

8. Brazil and China eye plan to axe dollar

The end of dollar nears by the minute

"Brazil and China will work towards using their own currencies in trade transactions rather than the US dollar, according to Brazil's central bank and aides to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazil's president."

9. Naimatullah Shah Wali's Predictions

Episode 1 and 2 has been uploaded. You can watch these episode by clicking on following links

10. Obliterated history

A page from our history which we are never taught! How the "civilized" British decimated an entire civilization and Muslim identity in India. When we see these horrific times, the role and stature of Allama Iqbal and Quaid Azam appears even greater considering the extreme odds they faced to re-engineer the Muslim society back to its glory and dignity.

Obliterated history

Dr Muzaffar Iqbal

May 10, 2009 passed without any official or unofficial event in Pakistan to remember that historic day of May 10, 1857 when a last, ill-planned, and fatal attempt was made to get rid of the overweening English traders who were becoming de facto rulers of the vast subcontinent. What began on that Sunday morning in the town of Meerut would be later called "Ghadar" (Mutiny), "the Great Rebellion", "the Indian Mutiny", "the Revolt of 1857", "the Uprising of 1857", the "Sepoy Mutiny" by those who wrote its history for the colonized people of India and inserted this appellation in the textbooks which were to be used for generations.

When we went to school, we read about the "Ghadar" and Sayyid Ahmad Khan's account of the "Reasons for Ghadar". The appellation may have now changed to " India 's First War of Independence", but there is certainly very little public discourse on the larger and long-term changes which followed that historic day.

Crushed with brutal force, this last armed resistance against the occupation of India came to an end on June 20, 1858, when Gwalior fell. A reign of terror followed. Men were tied to the mouths of cannons and blown to pieces, as Richard Holmes has vividly described in his 2005 book, Sahib: The British Soldier in India 1750-1914. A note from General Montgomery to Captain Hudson, "the butcher of Delhi " exposes how the British military high command approved cold-blooded massacre of general populace of Delhi , reminiscent of Halagu Khan's massacre of the residents of Baghdad in 1258: "All honour to you for catching the king and slaying his sons. I hope you will bag many more!"

A policy of "no prisoners" was adopted, whole villages were wiped out on the flimsiest rumours of sympathy for the local soldiers.

An estimated ten million Indians lost their lives, as Amaresh Misra describes in his two volume work, War of Civilisations: India AD 1857, published in 2008. Back in England , the accounts of atrocities of the British "Army of Retribution" were generally considered justified in the wake of exaggerated press accounts of Indian "savagery" against the "Europeans and Christians". During a year of terror that followed the events of May 1857, and for a long time to come, India went through a gigantic transformation which must be considered as one of the largest and most cruel experiment in social reengineering in modern history.

First the Company and later the British Crown, through its representative in India , the Viceroy, attempted to remake India in their own image. A society that had lived in a certain manner for centuries was remodelled from ground up. Memoirs, chronicles, letters, and personal accounts of the time describe cataclysmic events. "My dear sir," wrote Mirza Ghalib to Nawab Anwar al-Dawla, "what shall I say about the destruction of houses and mosques! The builder of the city might not have exerted so much planned effort for building them as the owners of the country [meaning the English] have for their destruction. My! my! Almost all buildings from the times of Shah Jahan within the walls of the fort and most of these in the city were demolished painstakingly and where picks and shovels and other tools did not suffice, tunnels were made and explosives were used to demolish them."

Aristocratic families of old were ruined, thousands were killed, imprisoned, or sent into exile, a whole new administrative was imposed, and new institutions were implanted which changed everything in the vast subcontinent- -from the judiciary to education. The ill-fated effort also led to the insertion of the Jewel that India was, into the Crown of the British monarch, thus conveniently shifting the exploitation of Indian resources and people from the control a trading company that had come begging for concessions from the then mighty Mughals to the British monarch.

Ninety years later, when the British finally left the Indian subcontinent, they had produced so many brown sahibs that there was no further need for their physical presence; now they could achieve what they wanted remotely, although now they had to share their profits with a newly emerged tyrannical power. This shift would be so drastic that all previous history will be quickly obliterated to make room for an entirely different public discourse.

People who lose their history, simultaneously lose their future. We are such a people. Any attempt to reclaim history is simultaneously an attempt to reclaim future. Yet, it is neither the details the armed resistance against the occupiers nor the heart-wrenching accounts of those who were blown to pieces which make this attempt meaningful; it is in understanding the present in the light of the past that makes this act of recall a meaningful process of reconstruction and reassertion. Those who refuse to see their present in the light of their past, have no understanding of the extent of transformation Pakistan is now undergoing. They cannot imagine the new history of our people which will be written fifty years from now. That history will transfigure not only the May 1857, but also May 2009.

جذاک اللہ خیراً


Zaid Hamid