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Peaceful living in Pakistan

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:41 pm
by Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

Peaceful living in Pakistan

On one side the People of Pakistan are striving for peaceful living as a nation while on the other side issuance of Fatwas by Ulemas to suit the requirements of their respective cult and clans is scoring higher than ever. The question is who knows better than the learned Ulemas that , peaceful living as a nation is possible only through belief in One God and adherence to One set of Laws. Issuance of Fatwas by individuals has always been harmful and devastating.

It may not be difficult to understand that for the people believing in Islam, one thing is Deen and the other is implementation of Deen. Deen we find in the book of Allah which no one can change and for the implementation of Deen the best authoritative example we find is in the life of the prophet (pbuh), and his companions where Deen and political mechanism worked together.

In an Islamic Country the State is responsible for the implementation of the ways and means to achieve requirements of Deen and it is for the elected legislators to make bylaws in accordance with the book of Allah and precedents obtaining from the history of law making in Islam. In the absence of Islamic Laws, every one assumes the role of explaining shariya; very often to suit the requirements of his own cult and clan. This perhaps is the main cause of diverse views, confusion and chaos. Once we learn to restrict our “what to do" to the book of Allah and let “how to do" keep on changing with the situation and circumstances of our time through a central authority, we shall have a shariya acceptable to all of us.

Pakistan is an Islamic Republic, where political system is based on adult franchise. 94 percent of its legislators are Muslim and the laws are made through mutual consultation with an additional restriction that nothing shall they legislate repugnant to Quran. Precedents from the golden era of the exalted prophet and that of his companions are also taken care of.

People of Pakistan are free to point out to the Ideology Council the anomalies in the constitution and or laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Instead of issuing fatwas, the Ulemas would do better to inform the said Ideology Council to take cognizance of improper laws and un-Islamic practices.

Life on earth works out through a system backed by rules and regulations. We are to obey Allah, His Messenger and those in charge among us (4:59). Religious rites enjoined upon us prepare us to submit to the channel of command set forth for us by Allah Subhanahu. We should be grateful to Allah and respect the laws of the country, unless we have reasons to prove that a certain laws are repugnant to Quran. This will help us build our national character leading us to the path of prosperity.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

Peaceful living in Pakistan

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:08 am
by Sidqi


I believe in total separation of religion and state, as these institutions mess up enough on their own, so both of them together is a certain death.

That’s what happened with Pakistan on 23 March, 1956, when country was named as “” Islamic Republic of Pakistan” in original constitution. That was the beginning of the end. Today, both Islam and Republic are in perils. Both supporters want to overlap or cancel each other and now, new islamist Taliban declare democrats as Kafirs. ( Soofi Mohd says Quran has 34 ayets against democracy. I am not aware which Quran he refers). Democrates see religion as end of human freedom.

I think talking about Islamic laws in that country is about a few decades early. It will be possible if only education is given to the masses, so that they could understand that religion gives humility and democracy gives prosperity.

Sidqi. CA