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Shaking hands with the impure - Yousuf Jamil's email

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:09 pm
by Dr. Shabbir
Shaking Hands With Those In A State Of Impurity

Q. Muslim tries to keep himself always pure, performing ablution whenever needed. What should he do if he has to shake hands with a non-Muslim, or with someone who is Muslim only in name? Should he refrain from doing so to maintain purity?

Mufti: The purity that ablution gives allows a Muslim to offer prayers and do some other acts of worship. It is physical purity that removes anything tangible.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, was asked whether a believer gets impure, and he said that no believer, man or woman, becomes impure.

If you have had your ablutions and shake hands with a non-Muslim or with a Muslim who is not in the Purity State, your ablution is cancelled and you cannot offer your prayer without taking bath.
