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The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:24 am
by Dr. Shabbir

Contrary to the Imamist propaganda, the exalted Prophet had no more than one wife at a time. And Hazrat Ayesha was a sister, not daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr. The Prophet (S) did not marry for three years after Hazrat Khadijah's demise in Makkah three years before Hijrah. Hazrat Ayesha was the widow of a martyr, Saleh bin Saleh Al-'Ataib. She was 48 years old at the time of marriage to the exalted Prophet. Sahaba Kiraam including Hazrat Abu Bakr strongly recommended that the Prophet (S) and she got into the solemn union of marriage. The blessed wedding took place in 622 CE when Muhammad (S) was 52 years old. Kitab-e-Dalail-e-Nabawwut Syedna Muhammad (S), by Abdul Jabbar Qaramati, written 150 years before Tabari, the first ever 'canonized' historian. Azwaaj-in-Nabi wal-Ashaab, by Sheikh Hammad bin Hakam. The rest is nothing but slanderous imagination of the Zoroastrian "Imam" Tabari and the Jewish biographer Ibn Ishaq and his Parsi follower Ibn Hisham.

The exalted Prophet was now also Head of the State. Quite a few Muslims had been killed in battles and by persecution. There were women who accepted Islam while their husbands did not. The Qur'an does not allow a Muslim woman to remain wedded to a Non-Muslim. In these circumstances, there were many women and their children who needed shelter. The Prophet (S) and his companions accommodated them in their homes. To prevent slander, these widows and divorcees simply signed marriage contracts in their new households.

To emphasize the point again, the exalted Messenger married only Hazrat Khadija when he was 25, and she was 40. They lived an ideal married life for 25 years. Hazrat Khadija died in Makkah at 65. Three years after her death and soon after migration to Madinah in AH 1, Muhammad (S) married Hazrat Ayesha, a sister of Hazrat Abu Bakr. She was then 48.
During the blessed times, the Central Government run with Shura used to issue a deed of marriage to all women seeking asylum with Rasool (S) and Sahaba Kiraam in order to prevent slander. This is the reason why the Qur'an mentions the exalted Prophet's wives in plural. Please reflect on the many shades of the meaning of Nikah. Also consider why NONE BUT Hazrat Khadijah bore any children to the exalted Prophet.

Maria, the bondwoman reportedly "gifted" to the exalted prophet by the Egyptian ruler, is nothing but a malicious fabrication. How could the exalted prophet accept bondwomen and slaves when the Qur'an was emancipating them? One might assume well and think, "Well, in order to grant them freedom." But our brilliant historians insist that Maria always remained a concubine!

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:21 am
by Deen Salleh
Salam Dr Shabbir,

I was hoping if you can recommend me a true seerah Nabi book (English) which can provide me details such as you presented... I fing your posting really bringing back the true image of our beloved prophet Muhammad.


deen salleh

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:45 pm
by Dr. Shabbir
Dear brother Deen Salleh, AA

These concealed books are available in Arabic only under strict protection of the Muslim clergy, mostly under custody of the autocratic Arab world.

Their stray copies are found in the Istanbul Museum, the library of Madinah University, Tashqand (Tashkent) Muslim Library in the former Soviet Union, Jame'ah Al-Azhar of Cairo, Maktaba Adnan in Beirut and in some cases they have been personally inherited by the progeny of the ancient scholars. These books are so well-guarded that only a few scholars have been able to partially photograph these precious documents. They are closely guarded since they demolish our mythical, but 'canonized' histories such as by Tabari, Ibn Atheer, and Ibn Khaldun.

I am extremely grateful to my loyal readers who, at the risk of life and imprisonment, have been mailing me these photographed excerpts for a few years.

Contrary to the Imamist propaganda, the exalted Prophet had no more than one wife at a time. And Hazrat Ayesha was a sister, not daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr. The Prophet (S) did not marry for three years after Hazrat Khadijah's demise in Makkah three years before Hijrah. Hazrat Ayesha was the widow of a martyr, Saleh bin Saleh Al-'Ataib. She was 48 years old at the time of marriage to the exalted Prophet. Sahaba Kiraam including Hazrat Abu Bakr strongly recommended that the Prophet (S) and she got into the solemn union of marriage. The blessed wedding took place in 622 CE when Muhammad (S) was 52 years old. Kitab-e-Dalail-e-Nabawwut Syedna Muhammad (S), by Abdul Jabbar Qaramati, written 150 years before Tabari, the first ever 'canonized' historian. Azwaaj-in-Nabi wal-Ashaab, by Sheikh Hammad bin Hakam. The rest is nothing but slanderous imagination of the Zoroastrian "Imam" Tabari and the Jewish biographer Ibn Ishaq and his Parsi follower Ibn Hisham.

The exalted Prophet was now also Head of the State. Quite a few Muslims had been killed in battles and by persecution. There were women who accepted Islam while their husbands did not. The Qur'an does not allow a Muslim woman to remain wedded to a Non-Muslim. In these circumstances, there were many women and their children who needed shelter. The Prophet (S) and his companions accommodated them in their homes. To prevent slander, these widows and divorcees simply signed marriage contracts in their new households.
To emphasize the point again, the exalted Messenger married only Hazrat Khadija when he was 25, and she was 40. They lived an ideal married life for 25 years. Hazrat Khadija died in Makkah at 65. Three years after her death and soon after migration to Madinah in AH 1, Muhammad (S) married Hazrat Ayesha, a sister of Hazrat Abu Bakr. She was then 48.
During the blessed times, the Central Government run with Shura used to issue a deed of marriage to all women seeking asylum with Rasool (S) and Sahaba Kiraam in order to prevent slander. This is the reason why the Qur'an mentions the exalted Prophet's wives in plural. Please reflect on the many shades of the meaning of Nikah. Also consider why NONE BUT Hazrat Khadijah bore any children to the exalted Prophet.
Maria, the bondwoman reportedly "gifted" to the exalted prophet by the Egyptian ruler, is nothing but a malicious fabrication. How could the exalted prophet accept bondwomen and slaves when the Qur'an was emancipating them? One might assume well and think, "Well, in order to grant them freedom." But our brilliant historians insist that Maria always remained a concubine!

Some References:
1. *** Azwaaj-in-Nabi wal-Ashaab, by Sheikh Hammad bin Hakam
2. *** Meezan-il-Faris by Hujjatullah Abdul Qadir Ali Al-Moosvi pg 249-26
3. *** Takmilatil Lughatal 'Ain 'Urfa by Al-Ustaz Jalaluddin Al-Ash'ari on Imam Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad Shikoh Tabrezi vol 2 pg 3-5
4. *** Kitab-e-Dalail-e-Nabawwut Syedna Muhammad (S), by Abdul Jabbar Qaramati, written 150 years before Tabari, the first ever 'canonized' historian
5. *** Darul Afaq Publishing of Beirut
6. *** Haroon Wa Baramikatil Faras by Sheikhul Ifta Salman bin Abu Qasim Baghdadi. Vol 1 pg 31-55
7. *** Mujahid-al-Munafiq Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal by Abdul Muhsin bin Mullah Ali Al-Qari, pg 67-135

Where do you live brother? May be you can try to get hold of an occasional photograph.

A life-long student,

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:27 am
by Deen Salleh
Salam Dr Shabbir,

I'm from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

All this while i found it difficult to accept our islamic history but now thanks to Allah through your information i'm beginning to understand the truth. i study world ancient history alot and through one of your article, Karbala: Fact or Fiction, i noticed that Imam Hussein story (final moment) very similar and resemble the Jesus story as reported by christians as 'sacrifying/suffering servant', and i'm really convinced its a fraud. Thanks to you..


Dean salleh

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:14 pm
by Yosemite
These concealed books are available in Arabic only under strict protection of the Muslim clergy, mostly under custody of the autocratic Arab world.

Their stray copies are found in the Istanbul Museum, the library of Madinah University, Tashqand (Tashkent) Muslim Library in the former Soviet Union, Jame'ah Al-Azhar of Cairo, Maktaba Adnan in Beirut and in some cases they have been personally inherited by the progeny of the ancient scholars. These books are so well-guarded that only a few scholars have been able to partially photograph these precious documents. They are closely guarded since they demolish our mythical, but 'canonized' histories such as by Tabari, Ibn Atheer, and Ibn Khaldun.

I am extremely grateful to my loyal readers who, at the risk of life and imprisonment, have been mailing me these photographed excerpts for a few years.


Why the heck would they keep the truth, doesn't the Quran says to share the knowledge? Or not keep it for oneself.

I find it strange. They want to be the closest to Allah but yet they hide stuff?

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:51 am
by Mahmood Qasmi
Brother there must be something at stake here ... tradition perhaps?

Personally, I think that tradition (the biggest IDOL) counts for a lot when it comes to controlling masses ... why is it that emphasis is placed on rituals and not pondering upon the Message of God?

There is an interesting remark made in the Quran regarding the Hud (and similar nations):

فلا تك في مرية مما يعبد هؤلاء ما يعبدون إلا كما يعبد ءاباؤهم من قبل
Be not in doubt about the outcome of those who worship idols in any form. They only blindly follow their forefathers.

In my opinion there are two elements, one is that the people of Hud worshipped other "Gods" and the other is that they worshiped/blindly-followed "WHAT-THEIR-FOREFATHERS-WORSHIPED-BEFORE-THEM" ... so their idols were not necessarily other deities: Their idols were their preconceived notions and their unfaltering trust in their TRADITION and they probably could go to great lengths to preserve it.

This case has a similar taint according to my understanding...


Why the heck would they keep the truth, doesn't the Quran says to share the knowledge? Or not keep it for oneself.

I find it strange. They want to be the closest to Allah but yet they hide stuff?

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:17 pm
by Brian aka Reverted1


Why the heck would they keep the truth, doesn't the Quran says to share the knowledge? Or not keep it for oneself.

I find it strange. They want to be the closest to Allah but yet they hide stuff?

Be wary of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master. — Pravin Lal

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:05 pm
by qzafi
Deferent Responses from friends on this Article from my 360
Excuse me I was under the impression that you were Muslim.. what religion do you practice?

That is not true, you should go back to the drawing board! Are you Shia? Yuor not Sunni! because it is a lie!!!! He had one wife Khadija (as) after her death he married woman not to have them as lovers but so people would respect them, the wives of the Prophet (saw) where pious woman and either Widows or for other reason that is clearing writen in Islam. Are you tring to say you know more than the Imans? You really should be carefull what you right! You just might find yourself doing Shirk! Dont mislead people! Tell me who do you learn from????? No Really who is teaching you... or what books are you reading from???? Tell us all we are waiting to know!

Assalam o Alaikoom,
indeed its something new & strange, wht u r trying to establish about the wives of our holey prophet Muhammad pbuh. As for as i could grasp ur inner towards the wives of prophet Muhammad pbuh is an effect or impression of the west propaganda/thinking about the permission of more then one wives (under certain conditions) by the Allah swt in the holy Quran. as impliedly u tryed to write tht even Muhammad pbuh has only one wife at a time so how can the rest of the muslims can have up to 4. dont u think Quran is very much clear on this????
Allah shall put us all on Hadaya, which Allah intends for the whole mankind eternal success. Ameen

Assalam o Alaikoom.
Indeed a good & mind intriguing article. Allah hafiz

Sorry bro, but muhammad(pbuh) had more than one wife at a time. Yes, when he was married to his first wife Khadija(may Allah be well pleased with her) he took no other wife for he was and is still truly in love with her. Besides Allah, I always accepted the story of thier marriage as a true testimony of "love". And Allah chose her for a reason prior to any divine revelation to the prophet muhammad(pbuh). For she is the one best of women amongst mankind. Evrytime I think of thier love, I have this saying in my mind referring to Allah that always makes me smile. "And HE wouldn't have it no other way"

But after her passing, he had many wives. Islam allows up to 4 wives if one can afford it, but muhammad(pbuh) was granted the right by Allah to have more than 4 wives. Only him and no other of the islamic ummah for he is the blessed prophet(pbuh).

I am a revert of 5 years now and know that. My suggestion to you is to remove this blog immediately and stop spreading words of false witness.

Oh, and I am not the one to say sunni, shia, hanif, suffi, wahabi, etc. A muslim is a muslim. The sunnah is just the moral character of the blessed prophet muhammad(pbuh).


The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:50 pm
by Arnold Yasin Mol
Salaam Aleikum,

See how they have made their history as sacred as the Quran! You are commiting shirk if you do not believe the ancient fairy tales chosen by the 'imams' of the past. People must learn there is a big difference between historical recordings and Truth, history is written by the winners, in this case, the Abbasid kings of the 3th century AH, Truth is written by God in His Revelations, which is only the Quran.

43:23 Likewise, whenever We sent before you a Warner to any township, its wealthy ones said, "Behold! We have found our forefathers following a certain religion, and we will follow in their footsteps." (‘Ummah’ = A community with common beliefs = Those who share a common religion. ‘Mutrifeen’ = The wealthy = Those given to material possessions = The social and financial elite = Those steeped in luxury = Those who are used to enjoying the fruit of others’ labor = Those who thrive on easy money = Who get wealthy without hard work)
43:24 He said, “What! Even though I bring you better Guidance than that you found your ancestors following?" They replied, "Indeed, we deny that there is any Truth in what you (Prophets) are sent

Islam allows up to 4 wives if one can afford it, but muhammad(pbuh) was granted the right by Allah to have more than 4 wives.

If one can afford it! Didn't he forget some very important part of the verse?

4:4 If you fear that you (the society) shall not be able to do justice with the orphans,

Polygamy in Islam by M.A.Malek

The idea is widely put about that the Qur'an supports or condones polygamy. This view is not entirely wrong, but nor is it right in all circumstances. To find the true position we need to dig a little deeper than hearsay or a superficial reading.

The verses which are often used to support the idea of polygamy are:

(4:2,3) Give unto orphans their wealth, exchange not the good for the bad (in your management thereof) nor absorb their wealth. Lo! That would be a great sin. And if ye fear that ye will not deal fairly by the orphans, marry of the women who seem good to you, two or three or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hand possess. Thus it is more likely that ye will not do injustice.

From the last verse it must be emphasised that the Qur'anic position is that – unless one is able to treat his wives with just equality – one must not consider taking more than one wife. In practice, this condition is most difficult to fulfil and so it must be understood that the general recommendation is towards monogamy. Also, polygamy, as the verse suggests, can only be justified under particular circumstances. In any case, there is no escaping the fact that a man has ultimately to justify all his actions before Allah, remembering that Allah knows what is in his heart.

The following verse emphasises the fact that it would be extremely difficult to deal justly between more than one wife. If one does put himself in that situation, it is only right to insist that one should not ignore the first wife, but fulfil all the outward duties that are obligatory on him in respect of her.

(4: 129) Ye will not be able to deal equally between (your) wives, however much ye wish (to do so). But turn not altogether away (from one), leaving her in suspense. If ye do good and keep from evil, lo! Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.

In seeking to understand more of reasons for the introduction of polygamy in Islam we might consider the following quotation from a paper submitted by Aisha Lemu at the International Islamic Conference held in London, from 3rd to 12th April, 1976. Mrs. Lemu, an Englishwoman, embraced Islam about fifteen years prior to this conference.

One has only to recall the figures of the dead in the first and second world wars to be aware that literally millions of women and girls lost their husbands and fiancees and were left alone without any income or care or protection for themselves or their children. If it is still maintained that under these circumstances a man may marry only one wife, what options are left to the millions of other women who have no hope of getting a husband? Their choice bluntly stated, is between a chaste and childless old maidenhood, or becoming somebody's mistress, that is an unofficial second wife with no legal rights for herself or for her children. Most women would not welcome either of these since most women have always wanted and still do want the security of a legal husband and family.

The compromise, therefore, is for women under these circumstances to face the fact that if given the alternative many of them would rather share a husband than have none at all. And there is no doubt that it is easier to share a husband when it is an established and publicly recognised practice than when it is carried on secretly along with attempts to deceive the first wife.

And it is no secret that polygamy of a sort is widely carried on in Europe and America. The difference is that while the Western man has no legal obligations to his second, third or fourth mistresses and their children, the Muslim husband has complete legal obligations towards his second, third or fourth wife and their children8

She says further: 'There may be other circumstances unrelated to war -- individual circumstances, where marriage to more than one wife may be preferable to other available alternatives -- for example where the first wife is chronically sick or disabled. There are, of course, some husbands who can manage this situation, but no one would deny its potential hazards. A second marriage in some cases could be a solution to all three parties'.

She goes on to conclude: 'I have mentioned some of these examples because to the majority of the Westerners polygamy is only thought in the context of a harem of glamorous young girls, not as a possible solution to some of the problems of Western society itself' 9

According to the Qur'an, however, marital problems and discord need to be tackled by proper consultation and conciliation -- involving the spouses and their families. The Qur'an does not subscribe polygamy for any other reason than what is in verses 4:2-3.

source article

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:27 pm
by Brian aka Reverted1
Greetings fellow Believers in Allah, His Book, and His Divine System!

Herein lies the problem.

Are you tring to say you know more than the Imans?

17:46 It is Allah’s Law that people who do not use their faculties, lose them. Their minds, hearts, and ears act impermeable when you mention your Lord alone in the Qur’an. And, they turn their backs in disgust. (They wish to hear about other deities and false ‘authorities’).



The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:05 pm
by Arnold Yasin Mol
2:75 Do you still hope that they will join your ranks in Faith?
Surely, a party among them used to listen to the Word of God in
the Torah, then, distorted its words and true meanings, after they
had understood it. And they knew full well what they were doing!

2:76 Verily, when they meet with those who have attained belief,
they say, “We have attained belief.” But when they meet each
other in private, they say, “Would you inform them (the believers)
of what God has disclosed to you? Therewith they may engage
you in argument before your Lord. Will you not, then, use your

2:77 Do not they realize that God knows what they conceal and
what they reveal?
2:78 Among them are unlettered folk who know not the Scripture,
but learn their wishful beliefs through hearsay. They depend on
nothing but conjecture.
[They go to their religious men saying, “What do we know of
religion? So, you tell us.” 2]

2:79 Then, woe unto those (their scholars) who write the Scripture
with their own hands and then claim, “This is from God.”
traffic with it for petty gains. Woe unto them for what they write,
and for the illicit profits they make thereby.”
[In the name of religion, they exploit the masses, feeling unduly
proud as they peddle the false notion of being "the chosen ones".
Furthermore, they extort money from the ignorant.]

2:80 Yet they say, “The Fire will not touch us but for a few
numbered days.” Say, “Have you received a promise from God? –
for, God never breaks His promise. Or is it that you say things
about God that you have no knowledge of?”
2:81 Nay, but whoever disrupts the lives of others, so much so that
his crimes surround him - those are the rightful companions of the
Fire – therein they will abide.

2:82 And those who choose to be graced with belief, and do works
that benefit humanity and nature – those are the rightful dwellers
of Paradise - therein they will abide.

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:30 pm
by UmeAimon
Salam all brothers and sisters(if any! :D)

When do people turn blind eye from truth... when they are blind like Allah says.
summun bukmun eumyun fahum la yerjioon... AlBakara
S no matter what verse ou present they won't see. regarding this topic, can anyone please explain to me verse 32 of AnNisa.. What significance does it have? Should I ask this in the Q&A section?

thank you

The Exalted Prophet's Wives

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:52 pm
by Arnold Yasin Mol
Yes, please ask in Q&A