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BLOG 57 - Does God Really Exist?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:04 pm
by Dr. Shabbir

Dear Sir, AOA
An atheist French man is asking, “Does God really exist?” He is not willing to accept any religious argument.
Shakila Battla, France

Dear Sister, W'S

He is looking for logic. The Quran is all based on
logic and reason. So, the Quran first:

How can we believe in the existence of God? The
Quran invites us to IMAN only through reason.

12:108 Say (O Prophet), “This is my way. Resting
my call upon reason, I am calling you all to Allah, I
and they who follow me.” (We do not invite through
blind faith, vague dogmas or by stunning your intellect
with miracles). Glory to Allah! And I am not one of
those who ascribe divinity in any form besides Him.”

Now watch this reason applied beautifully:

* The Universe is too organized to be the result of
an accident.
- Albert Einstein.

* In order to make an apple-pie from scratch, we would
have to reinvent the Universe!
- Carl Sagan

* The universe is the creation of a Master Mathematician
who neither errs nor makes any exceptions.
- Galileo Galilei

* A tornado hitting a junk yard will not end up producing
a Boeing 747. Even the “Big Bang” must have a Master Mind behind it.
- Shabbir Ahmed, M.D.