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The New Era Has Dawned - Ardeshir Spencer, Tehran

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:04 am
by Dr. Shabbir
Email from Ardeshir Spencer

Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatullah al-Uzma Khamnaee's Hajj Message to the Muslim Ummah

"Today any divisive action in the Islamic world is a historical sin"

"Muslims all over the world must know that the era of humiliation and backwardness of the Islamic world has come to an end. We are all witnessing the coming of a new era"

"This is a decisive juncture in history"

Once again the Hajj season is back with its spiritual tidings, and again it presents a precious opportunity to the Islamic world. While many eager hearts are attracted from all over the world to attend this annual congregation, there are only a fortunate few who actually realize their dream. This is the reason for the perpetuity of this flowing spring.

On the one hand, the annual congress at the House of the beloved reconnects the hearts with the Qiblah of creation on the other hand, the friends who have been detached from one another find an opportunity for the meeting of hearts. It also brings elation and jubilation to the body, spirituality and politics of the Muslim ummah.

Freedom from material contaminations and remembrance of Allah in all our deeds and in all places, although for a few days, is a great souvenir for hajj pilgrims. The acts of worship and rituals of hajj are for the purpose of providing an opportunity to gain a spiritual experience and sense this joyous experience with our souls.

In the area of politics, the cardinal purpose of hajj is to show the united identity of the Muslim ummah. Detachment and separation among the brothers will open the door to those who bear malice toward us and will serve as a breeding ground for the seeds of division among Muslims.

The Muslim ummah embraces various nations, races and followers of different sects in Islam. This diversity and the vast geographical stretch of the ummah in a sensitive and important part of the planet Earth can be a source of strength. Our diversity has enriched and enhanced the ummah's common heritage, culture, history and their effectiveness in the vast part of the globe, and has enabled them to utilize all forms of talents and human and natural potentials.

From the very first days of their entry into The Islamic countries the Western colonialist powers have taken account of this diversity and have consistently attempted to arouse divisive sentiments.

The colonialist politicians knew well that if a united Islamic identity is formed, the door will be closed to their political and economic domination. Therefore, they have planted seeds of division and discord by employing their concentrated and enduring efforts. To succeed in carrying out this nefarious policy and to advance their goal of domination over the Islamic countries, they have taken advantage of the unawareness of the populace and weakness of the political and cultural leaders in Islamic countries.

A glimpse at Iraq, in which its proud people humiliated the pompous America, and bogged down the army and politicians that boasted of having a free hand in Iraq, in a quagmire of political, military and economic problems, and its comparison with previous Iraq in which its bloodthirsty leader brutalized its people with the encouragement of the United States;

A glance at today's Afghanistan in which all the promises of the U.S. and the West have turned out to be lies and the unprecedented military expedition of the united front of Western countries have produced nothing, except destruction, poverty, killings and the growing power of the narcotics mafia.

And finally, a glance at the youthful populations of the Islamic countries and the generation with growing tendency toward Islamic values and the rising sentiments against the U.S. and the West;

Looking at all these developments provide us with a clear and true picture of the falling fortunes and the failed policies of the arrogant powers, especially the United States, and augur well for the emergence of the united Islamic identity.

The entire Muslim ummah, whether the political, cultural and religious elite, or the masses of people, must remain vigilant more than ever before, and try to identify and foil the conniving schemes of the enemy.

One of the most effective schemes of the enemy is to incite the flames of discord and division. By spending money and rushing to put to use whatever they have in their power, they try to keep Muslims engaged in feuding and quarreling over their differences and once again to set us against one another by exploiting our negligence, narrow-mindedness and prejudices.

Today any divisive action in the Islamic world is a historical sin. Those who maliciously use takfir to declare large groups of Muslims as unbelievers, those who insult the sanctities of various divisions of Islam, those who betray and put a dagger in the back of the Lebanese youth who are a source of honour for the Muslim ummah, those who speak of the fabricated threat of a Shiite crescent in order to please the Americans and the Zionists, those who incite fratricidal hostilities and lawlessness in Iraq to defeat its Islamic and popular government, and those who put pressure on the elected HAMAS government in Palestine, whether intentionally or unintentionally, will be regarded as culprits, detested by history and future generations and looked upon as mercenaries of the brutal enemy.

Muslims all over the world must know that the era of humiliation and backwardness of the Islamic world has come to an end. We are all witnessing the coming of a new era. The flawed frame of mind that Muslim countries will remain enthralled in the cultural and political claws of the West and will continue to emulate them in their individual and collective behaviors have been eradicated from the minds of Muslim masses by the hands of the Westerners themselves, and as the result of their excessive arrogance and conceit.

This is a decisive juncture in history. The elite and the intellectuals have a huge responsibility on their shoulders. Any weakness, wavering, misguided actions and negligence on their part will lead to disaster. Ulema should not remain silent in the face of divisive actions, the intellectuals should not shirk their responsibility to impart spirit of hope in our youth, and politicians and leaders should not distance themselves from the people and must rely on them. And the Islamic governments should strengthen their ranks and solidarity and use the power of the people to overcome the threats of the domineering powers.

Today distancing ourselves from moshrekin is the heartfelt desire and the call of all Muslim nations. The season of Hajj is the only opportunity when this desire can be expressed with full force.

Let us seize this opportunity to pray for Allah's grace and favour on all Hajj pilgrims and pray for the earliest coming of the Promised Mahdi(A.S.) Cleanse yourselves in this vast ocean. I pray for your success and happiness and for the acceptance of your Hajj.

Sayyid Ali Khamenei

3rd of Dhulhajja 1427 – 3rd of Dey 1385

The New Era Has Dawned - Ardeshir Spencer, Tehran

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 10:13 am
by abshoeb

"The Muslim ummah embraces various nations, races and followers of different sects in Islam. This diversity and the vast geographical stretch of the ummah in a sensitive and important part of the planet Earth can be a source of strength. Our diversity has enriched and enhanced the ummah's common heritage, culture, history and their effectiveness in the vast part of the globe, and has enabled them to utilize all forms of talents and human and natural potentials."

But Quran Says Diffirent......

8:46 Obey Allah and His Messenger, the Central Authority, and do not fall into disputation. If you did that, you will falter and your strength will depart from you. Be proactively steadfast since Allah is with those who persevere both in times of affluence and in times of adversity.

Regarding Haj.

Muslims have reduced them into mere rituals similar to the Days of Ignorance.

Unity among umma is not possible until unless hold Rope of Allah is the Qur’an which is an Unbreakable Support

2:196 (Peace cannot defend itself. Mankind has to guard it.) Therefore, observe the Hajj or Umrah Convention for Allah. If you are stranded, send in gifts that the congregation would utilize. Do not consider that by doing so you have relieved yourself of duty. Be with them at heart until the gifts have reached their destination. If someone is sick or has other compelling burdens denying him sending any contribution, then Abstinence for a few days at convenience, or an act of charity or fulfilling someone’s need shall be in order. If a person is present at the Convention but cannot afford to contribute, he should exercise Abstinence for a total number of ten days, three days there and seven days after coming home. This is for him whose folk do not live in the vicinity of the Convention. Be mindful of Allah, remembering the noble objective. And know that Allah's Law of Requital is strict in pursuing and grasping.

[Hajj is the annual Convention in a specified time while Umrah is a visit to the Masjid of Makkah any time during the year. Both have a sublime objective as the Qur’an explains, although Muslims have reduced them into mere rituals similar to the Days of Ignorance. There is no mention of kissing the black-stone in Ka’bah, any "holiness" about the ZAM ZAM water, or that of throwing rocks at the three pillars signifying Satan. See footnote to Surah 105. The Noble Objective of the Pilgrimage is to arrange regular and intermittent international conferences in Makkah. Delegates from all over the world would get together there and devise ways to make the world a better place to live. 'Halqirras' = Relief of burden = Idiom for relief. (Jurjani, Basari, Shehristani)]

3:103 You must hold fast, all of you together, to the Bond of Allah and be not divided into sects. (The Bond or Rope of Allah is the Qur’an which is an Unbreakable Support 2:256). Always, remember Allah’s Favor upon you when you were enemies and, almost overnight, He brought mutual affection in your hearts. Thus, you became brothers and sisters by His Grace. And recall that you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. (Various tribes used to attack one another.) This is how effectively Allah has made His Messages clear for you to journey on the lighted road. (6:165, 30:31-32, 'Huda' = Guidance = Walk the right path = Travel on a lighted road).

3:104 Let yours be the community (in the world) that rises up and invites unto all that is collectively good. Advocate virtue by example, and close the doors to vice by example. For, such are they, they who are truly successful and eternally prosper.

['By example' since word without action is of no avail 61]

3:105 Now, be not as those who are divided and hold conflicting views after all evidence of the Truth has come unto them. For, it is they, they who incur a tremendous doom.

[Sectarianism, schism and division stand in the way of unity of all mankind. 'Bayyinat' = Clear evidence of the Truth. 6]

3:106 On the Day, some faces will shine with joy and some faces will be portraits of gloom. (The former are those who hold on to the Bond of Allah, and the latter are those who becloud the Light with their sectarian beliefs). Those who will be portraits of gloom, will be told, "Ah, did you, (by falling for sectarianism) elect disbelief after embracing Faith? Taste then, the punishment for electing to live in the darkness of ignorance.

3:107 And those whose faces shine, behold, in the Grace of Allah, they shall abide for ever. (11:118-119)

3:108 (The Rules given in these Revelations determine the Rise and Fall of nations.) These are Allah's Messages. We convey them to you in Absolute Truth - for, Allah does not will any wrongdoing to the creation, nor any deficiency in their right of guidance. ('Zulm' in the context here applies to
wrongdoing, oppression and not giving the due right).

Ali Bin Ali Alharbi (Al Madina)