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Mankind KHALIFAH / Successor of God?

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:40 am
by Dr. Shabbir

Mankind: Administrator, given supremacy on earth - not successors 2:30
2:30 Khalifah is usually translated as successor, viceroy, representative, vicegerent, inheritor etc.

Fact: God appointed humankind to administer the affairs of the planet earth in the Light of His Commands, in other words, given supremacy over other creation.

Mankind is not Allah's Khalifah. The Qur'an only says, a khalifah, not My khalifah. God has not resigned! They have been appointed as administrators in their limited capacity. They should use this limited capacity to their best, establishing the Divine Order on earth.

Mankind might be considered the khalifa to the heat-resistant creation that existed before them on earth.