Non-Quranic Revelations dose not Exit even in Hadith Books

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Ahmad Ammar Azmi
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:49 pm

Non-Quranic Revelations dose not Exit even in Hadith Books

Post by Ahmad Ammar Azmi »

Non-Quranic Revelations dose not Exit even in Hadith Books Completely.

Non-Quranic Revelations dose not exit even in Hadith Books completely. These are no where present in written form completely.

It is said by Islamic Scholars that Non-Quranic Revelations were revealed, for example, they said that the present order of Quranic Surahs was different from the revealed order. The present order of Quranic Surahs is due to Non-Quranic Revelations.

But it is interesting to note that Non-Quranic Revelations about this order dose not exit even in Hadith Books Completely. So how could it be concluded that Hadith Books are collections of Non-Quranic Revelations?

(Please correct grammatical errors if found. Thanks!)
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