The only Companion without the name in the Qur’an. Who is he?

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The only Companion without the name in the Qur’an. Who is he?

Post by abdalazizariff »

The only Companion without the name in the Qur’an. Who is he?
lets start the journey [please correct my understanding]

[page 3 of this new forum platform Fake story of Zaid and Zainab]

God is the most Virtuous of planners.
Example of His planning.
QXP VI 8:30 Recall (O Messenger), when the rejecters were making schemes to restrain you (from conveying the Message), slay you, or expel you. That was their plan, but God’s Law of Requital is designed to work in a way unfailing. God is the Best of planners.
QXPVI 9:40 If you do not help the Messenger, God will help him, as always. When the disbelievers drove him out of his home, they were just two men. They had to seek refuge in a cave. The Messenger said to his companion, 'Grieve not. God is with us.' Then God sent His reassuring peace upon him, and supported him with invisible forces of faith and courage (9:26). He made the word of the disbelievers utterly low. God's Word remains Supreme. God is Mighty, Wise.

[is this cave Thawr]
(16;127-128) In short, adhere to your program steadfastly. This will be possible only through the help which you receive from Allah. Do not grieve about the unbelievers and do not worry about their schemes. Surely, Allah is with those who are Muttaqeen and Mohsineen
[per Allama Ghulam Parvez there is a connection with the verse 17:1]
QXP VI 17:1 Glorious is He Who initiated the migration of His servant by night, from the Sacred Masjid to the Remote Masjid whose environment We did bless that We may show him some of Our signs. He is the Hearer, the Seer. [20:23. Signs that the Divine System will begin to prevail from there]

conversation between the Messenger[as] and Siddique [ra] ... l-al-thawr
Muslim Style Techno Dance [a way to digest biryani and balkhlava]just entertainment
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