BLOG 63 - Islam: What The West Needs To Know # 24

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Dr. Shabbir
Posts: 1950
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:46 pm

BLOG 63 - Islam: What The West Needs To Know # 24

Post by Dr. Shabbir »

May 21st, 2008 by Dr. Shabbir

Mr. Walid Shoebat, Former Member PLO Faith Brigade: The Hadith very clearly says, the Hadith what Muhammad said, ‘I have been ordered to fight until everyone says that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.’ So, this is how Islam spread to North Africa, this is how Islam spread over to Indonesia, this is how Islam spread in the Middle East. Syria was not a Muslim country, Lebanon was not Muslim. Saudi Arabia, even, was a mixed multitude. All throughout the Middle East, that’s how Islam spread, by the sword. This is why you don’t see any synagogue in Saudi Arabia. You don’t see any churches in Saudi Arabia. Christianity virtually is nonexistent. Even in my village in Bethlehem, Muslims are taking over; there’s only 20% left of Christian population. In Lebanon, Christian Lebanese are moving by the droves. Hizbullah there is very active. Lebanon used to be a Christian nation. Now, all of a sudden, it’s being Islamized. So, Islam is moving.

Answer: Dear Sir, we have given plenty of evidence that Islam was never spread by sword. Once again, Prophet Muhammad could have not violated the Revelation that guaranties ‘No Compulsion’ [2] and freedom of religion. As a former Muslim, you obviously know how many people were forging Ahadith during the first five centuries of Islam. But here is the Ultimate Truth:


2:256 … There is absolutely no compulsion or coercion in Religion. ..

2:193 So, fight them (who compel) only until there is no more harassment, and Religion may be adopted for the sake of God alone…

3:20 If they argue with you (O Messenger), tell them, “I have submitted to God; I and those who follow me.” Say to the People of the Scripture, and to those who have no Scripture, “Would you submit to God?” If they submit, then they have been guided but if they turn away, then your duty is only to convey the message. God is Seer of His servants.

Protection of temples and monasteries:
22:39 Permission to fight is granted to those against whom war is wrongfully waged. God is Able to support them.

22:40 …If God had not enabled some people to repel others, Monasteries, Churches, Synagogues, and Masjids, where the Name of God is oft mentioned, would have been destroyed. And God will certainly help those who help Him. God is Mighty, Powerful.

Dear Sir, Saudi Arabia is not the only country in the world. All Muslim countries, otherwise, have a whole beautiful spectrum of temples. Please reflect that Muslims are weak today and still Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Isn’t it some evidence against the false theories of sword? Is it possible that Islam is marching along due to its own magnetism, its beautiful teachings? Yet, if Christianity is non-existent in some countries, so is Islam e.g. most of the countries in Latin America. Making mention of Indonesia as you have, hurts your own credibility and nullifies all your assertions, Sir! Even the most ignorant would know that Islam was carried to the Far East by Muslim traders.

Giyani Balbir Singh - Navan Hindustan, 1947: Those who believe Islam was spread by force are fools who neither know the ways of Islam nor the ways of the world.

De Lacy O’Leary - Islam at the Crossroads, London 1923: History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.

New York City 2002:
[Chanting, “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger”, with people holding posters stating “Islam is not terrorism” and other slogans.]

Comment: None would have an issue with peaceful assembly. The criminals are those who resort to violence.

Mr. Robert Spencer, Director, Muslims who come to the United States and come to Western Europe with an idea that Sharia is the Law of Allah, they look upon our freedom of religion and they look upon the fact that non-Muslims are in power in the United States and in Western Europe making laws, and making laws not on the basis of the Law of Allah, but on the basis of consensus and free elections. They look upon all that as a manifestation of Jahiliyah, or unbelief, the pre-Islamic period of ignorance, as the times in any nation’s history before it became Muslim is referred to. So that you have Pakistan and Iran and so on, they refer to the period of their history before they became Muslim as the period of Jahiliyah, they also will consider the United States and Western Europe to be in periods of Jahiliyah today. And many Muslims today coming into the United States and Western Europe will work to establish Islamic states here on the basis of the idea that the secular state and the state based on elections has no legitimacy; you don’t have elections about the Law of Allah, you simply obey what God says.”

Answer: Dear Sir, certainly, the West is NOT living in Jahilyah, the Age of Ignorance. It might be worthwhile to quote Mufti ‘Abde Rabbuhu again, a quote with which almost all Muslims would agree with their hearts.
The greatest Islamic scholar of the times, Mufti ‘Abde Rabbuhu (d. 1906) of Egypt visited Europe. When he returned, he made a remarkable statement, “In Europe, I saw Islam but no Muslims. In Egypt, I see Muslims but no Islam.” Muslims realize that, albeit some un-Islamic harmful social practices, Islam is almost in place in the West.

Elections: During the noble early era of Islam, every Caliph and governor, after being suggested by a group of people of sound character and reputation, had to obtain Bai’at, the Oath of Allegiance, from the citizenry before assuming the office. A poor, elderly woman could openly raise any objections which the nominee would have to answer. Shura, Mutual Consultation in public matters is a most important Qur’anic ordinance for Muslims. How close to, or even better, it is than modern elections and democracy!
A step forward: Amazingly, one who personally sought an office out of greed was automatically disqualified!

Exception: Someone who would have special skills unknown to people.

Details left open for the changing times: The Qur’an ordains the basic socio-political guidelines with details to be decided through mutual consultation according to changing times. Barring the non-Qur’anic Middle Eastern despotism in some countries, most Muslim countries do hold elections.

Shura: 42:38 The believers respond to their Lord … and conduct their affairs by mutual consultation, and they keep open for the welfare of others what We have given them.

The Exception: 12:55 Joseph replied, “Place in my charge the treasury of the State. I shall be a competent custodian.”
London, England, May 2005:

[Footage filmed at an unnamed pro-Islam rally with chants of “There is no God but God and Muhammad is His Messenger” (in Arabic) and “Jihad”. An unnamed Mullah speaks.]

Comment: None would have an issue with peaceful assembly. The criminals are those who resort to violence.

Part 6 of 6: The HOUSE OF WAR

Mr. Robert Spencer, Director, The most important thing that the West needs to know about Islam today is that is has a political character, and that it is not simply a religion. But it is a religion or belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers, for the purpose of establishing a societal model that is absolutely incompatible with Western society. Americans need to know this, Western Europeans need to know this, because Muslims are coming into Western countries while holding these beliefs, and intending to act upon them. They are the motivations behind modern terrorist activity, and they are the goals of the millions of Muslims in the United States and around the world. We need to know this so that we can protect ourselves. But, unfortunately, because of political correctness, and because of media and general government unwillingness to face the sources of Islamic terrorism, these things remain largely unknown.”

Answer: Dear Sir, Mr. Triskovic has just said that, “The War on Terror is unnecessary because Terror is not a very big problem.” [Rebuttal – 18]

You may also take solace in the fact that: Muslims, in general, are indifferent to the global sociopolitical situation.
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