BLOG 37 - Islam: What The West Needs To Know # 10

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Dr. Shabbir
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Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:46 pm

BLOG 37 - Islam: What The West Needs To Know # 10

Post by Dr. Shabbir »

May 1st, 2008 by Dr. Shabbir

Mr. Walid Shoebat: The Qur’an is broken down into two sections. One is called Makkiyyah which means what was inspired to Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam in Mecca. And one is called Madaniyyah what was inspired to the Prophet of Islam in Madinah or Yathrib. In Makkah, you find much of the peaceful verses. Muhammad used to live with the Jewish community and the Christian community in peace and harmony. So, there were many verses in the Qur’an that even the Muslims used to worship in the direction of prayer towards Jerusalem. They saw many elements of unity between Jews and Christians and the Muslim Faith.

Answer: Dear Sir, If you can delineate which Surahs and verses belong to Makkah and which one to Madinah, you will be doing a great favor to the so-called scholars of Islam and resolve the much futile dissension among them today. Not two of them agree on the subject. But there is irrefutable internal evidence in the Qur’an itself that it was ‘downloaded’ on the heart of the Prophet in its entirety in one Night of Ramadhan in 610 CE. Then it was conveyed to people in stages over a period of 23 years.

44:3 We have revealed it on a Blessed Night. We have always been warning.

2:185 The month of Ramadhan has been chosen for this collective training since this is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed, a guidance for mankind, clearly explaining the ‘why’ of every Rule. And it is the Criterion of right and wrong. …

So, there is no such thing as Makkiyah and Madaniyyah sections of the Qur’an. Based on person experience, dear Sir, I have recently completed my fourth edition of the Quran’s rendition in English. I have noticed that the entire Book flows smoothly from A to Z without giving you any impression of change in style, manner of Commands or form of addressing people. In the very beginning the Qur’an says that it is one complete and continuous Book.

2:2 This is a Book whereof there is absolutely no doubt concerning its authority and authenticity. …

Mr. Serge Trifkovic: There are indeed some verses in the Qur’an that could be called peaceful and tolerant, notably, the injunction against compulsion in religion. Those verses almost invariably date back to the beginnings of Muhammad’s Prophetic career in his native city of Mecca where he was powerless, where he was only beginning to attract followers.

Answer: Dear Sir, this is a claim that is totally unfounded. Can anyone bring a proof to that effect? Kindly see the answer to Mr. Walid Shoebat.

Mr. Abdullah Al-Araby: Only a few relatives and friends accepted the religion at that time and he had many foes. So, the revelations of that time were very peaceful.
Answer: Dear Sir, respectfully speaking, only a single internal evidence will suffice to refute that claim. In the entire Qur’an you will find compassion, and such verses are scattered throughout the Qur’an. The verses that you consider aggressive are invariably related to self-defense. You will agree with this statement if the context is not disregarded. Please check it out or feel free to question me.
Mr. Serge Trifkovic: Well, it all changes with the establishment of Muhammad’s theocratic statelet in the city of Madinah. He becomes a warlord. He becomes the head of a totalitarian state. He becomes very rich, very powerful and very intolerant. And then, many of these early verses in fact get abrogated.

Answer: Dear Sir, did any of Prophet Muhammad’s contemporaries ever challenge such verses, in Makkah or Madinah?

3:159 It is God’s mercy that you (O Messenger) are lenient and compassionate with people. For, if you were harsh and stern of heart, they would have broken away from you. So, pardon them, arrange for their security, and consult with them in matters of public interest. …

Mr. Robert Spencer: In Surah 2 verse 106 of the Qur’an, it says, or Allah says, I should say, that if We abrogate, We being Allah, abrogate a verse, then we will give you one that is better.

Studio Voice: “Whatever a verse or Revelation We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is Able to do all things?”

Answer: We have seen before that not a single verse of the Qur’an has been abrogated. The abrogation refers to replacing some commands of the old scriptures with the new Revelations in the Qur’an. Here is the correct rendition and understanding of 2:106.

2:106 Any message of aforetime that We revoke or cause to be lost to history, We replace it with a better or similar one. Do you not know that God is the Supreme Controller of all things and events?

[Some of the People of the Book question why a new revelation was necessary. The evolution of human Civilization has now come to a point where the Final Message for all mankind can be given, implemented and preserved forever. So, the Qur’an is now the perfected message for all mankind at all times; its exact preservation guaranteed by none but the Almighty Himself. 5]

Rev E. Stephenson - My Reflections:
The message of Mohammad, Islam, is nothing but a blessing for mankind—The usher from darkness to light and from Satan to God….
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