Etiquette concerning the names of the other Prophets?

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Etiquette concerning the names of the other Prophets?

Post by crschatz »

Assalamu alaikum All:

We write or say Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Salam (or S) after mentioning the name of Prophet Muhammed (S). But what should we do when mentioning the other Prophets? I know most people in the Muslim world just use the PBUH for everybody, but we know that's really not correct. Any advice on how to treat references to the other Prophets greatly appreciated.

Dr. Shabbir
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Etiquette concerning the names of the other Prophets?

Post by Dr. Shabbir »

Wa alaikum Assalam, my most respected little Sister!

We can say Hazrat Nooh (Noah), Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Isa (Jesus) etc. As a token of respect, we can also say Hazrat Maryam although she was not a prophet.

HAZRAT (common gender) = Exalted = Honored

Therefore, saying or writing Hazrat Khadeeja, Hazrat Ayesha, Hazrat Safia is all OK. Likewise, Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat 'Umar, Hazrat Uthman, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Mu'awiyah is fine.

With Sahaba and Sahabiyat, r.a. or (r.a.) RADHIYALLAHU'ANHUM (Allah is pleased with them) is OK.

Plural of HAZRAT is HAZRAAT.

Another proper way for prophets/messengers/apostles is to write a.s. after their names or say 'ALAYIHISSALAAM.

Ibrahim a.s. or Ibrahim (a.s.) is an example.

a.s. or (a.s.) would mean 'ALAYIHISSALAAM = Peace be upon him (which, as you know, is erroneous for obvious reasons, after their death) = "Salutes upon him" is excellent.

Surah 37 is replete with SALAMUN 'ALA -- ("Peace and Salutations upon" many prophets)

37:79 Peace and salutation to Noah in the worlds!

37:109 Peace and salutation to Abraham!

37:120 Peace and salutation to Moses and Aaron!

To refresh the memory of other friends:

PBUH (Peace Be Upon Him) and Durood

PBUH (Peace Be Upon Him)

For centuries, the Mullah has been translating Sall-Allahu 'alayhe wa-sallam as "Peace be upon him" after the exalted Messenger's name. Of course, peace is upon him. It is the Mullah who needs peace; peace from propagating N2I, the Number Two Islam.

Sall-Allahu 'alayhe wa-sallam means, "Allah honors him and supports his Mission."

I suggest writing:
- The exalted prophet
- The prophet (S)
As a token of respect.

We may also write, “Our respects and salutations to him” where appropriate.

Ironically, the Muslim is told to send Durood on the exalted prophet. The Persian word Durood is non-Quranic and it means, "To cut off something from its root!" Noticed the malice?

33:56 Verily, Allah and His angels honor the Messenger and support his Mission. O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Salute him and give yourself up to him and his Mission in total submission. [4]
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Etiquette concerning the names of the other Prophets?

Post by UmeAimon »

Salam all,

I never thought too much what “pbuh” meant, but only a way of paying respect to all the Prophets(to all as for Allah SWT they all were the blessed and of highest ranks and we cannot differentiate) as an English short cut for SWS that we learned since childhood. But if one goes deeper it does make difference. Thanks once again for reminding :)


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