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Dr. Shabbir
Posts: 1950
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:46 pm


Post by Dr. Shabbir »

Dear Sister, AA

We cannot deny the blessed efficacy of du'a.

In the Light of the Quran, there are many TAQDEERS (due measures or laws) of Allah. When we earnestly pray to Him, He shows us the way to another befitting TAQDEER. [Many Muslims think of TAQDEER as the pre-destiny of humans. But nowhere in the Quran is mentioned the 'Taqdeer of humans'.]

Here is a good example:

Hazrat Umar was traveling north of Madinah along with his noble companions. News came that a village with an outbreak of Plague was coming in the way. The Caliph ordered to change the direction of the caravan in order to bypass the village. A companion objected, "O Caliph! Are you trying to evade the TAQDEER (Law) of Allah?" He said, "No, I am taking you from one TAQDEER of Allah to another one."

I have heard from my elders, many others, and experienced myself that no du'a rising from the hearts goes unanswered.

2:186 So, when My servants ask you about Me, surely, I am Near. I respond to the prayer of the suppliant when he calls unto Me. Let them also listen to My call, and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.

[God’s response = A sincere caller will be shown the right direction = And Al-Quran has answers to all their questions. 3]
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