Year 2007 Will Be Better - Forwarded Message

What is the Deen, System of Life, according to the Quran, and how and why is Islam a challenge to Religion?
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Dr. Shabbir
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Year 2007 Will Be Better - Forwarded Message

Post by Dr. Shabbir »

American Muslims lament and "stew" over some of these awful statements and events, the election of a Muslim to the hallowed halls of Congress does show some measure of progress. The United States was the last "western" government which had no nationally-elected Muslim in their government. That is no longer the case. However, the Islamophibic xenophobes have come out of the closet - decrying the elelction of a Muslim to congress and advocating the "radical" position of trying not to allow take his place in Congress because they feel he and his religion are too much of a threat to our National Security. The Islamic xenophobes first came out of the closet to defeat the Dubai Port Deal - and when that was defeated, they became very emboldened. Again, these aren't good developmenta. I'm sure Mr. Ellison will find out out that if his reception by his Congressmen as being "cool" right now, it could be down-right frigid when Mr. Ellison starts acting on policy and legislation - which is his constitutional role as the duly-elected representative of his district. I didn't think a Muslim could ever get elected to Congress given the nature of our political system. However, this great event has occurred - it's unfortunate that a select few has treated his election to Congress with a "dire warning that the end of the world is coming" or worse yet: "The Muslims are coming, The Muslims are coming". Rep. Virgil Goode should be taken to the "killing fields" of Bosnia and Kozovo as well to the mass graves that Saddam wrought on his own people and be asked the simple question: "Are these the Muslims you fear". I wrote a letter to Rep. Goode voicing my protests about his vitriolic message of haterd towards Muslims and Islam. I think it's the duty of every Muslim in this country to write him a letter and confront him with what's wrong with his "heart".

However, as a good Muslim, the best soultion for Rep. Goode IS PRAYER. So, I pray for him. I pray for Rep. Brown-Waite of FL - who declared that every terrorist is a Muslim and that all Muslims are out to destroy our lifestyle here in America. I pray for Rep. King - who has declared that 85% of Muslims support terror, terrorism, and terrorists. I pray for Rep. Tancredo - who has called for the use of nuclear weapons against Islamic holy sites as a way to achieve victory in this war on terror. I pray for Ann Coulter - who has advocated that our military must be used to conquer all Muslim, Arab, and Islamic nations and that the people of those lands chould be given 2 choices - either conversion to Christianity or death. I pray for Michelle Malkin - who wrote a book advocating the best way to win the war on terror is to round up all Muslims in this country and put them into internment facilities, detention camps, and concentration camps. I pray for those who think all Muslims are evil radical fundamentalist terrorist jihadist insurgents. I pray for those who believe that all American Muslims should be strippied of their American citizenship. I pray for those who believe that American Muslims have have their constitutional and civil rights limited and restricted. I pray for those who say American Muslims shouldn't be allowed to vote, that American Muslims should be barred from elective office, that Muslims should be barred from public service employment, and that Muslims should be barred from the military. I pray for those who now believe that all Muslims should be forced to wear symbols, be tattooed, or possess papers which identify them as Muslims.

Now, with all what I had to say here - certainly last year was a tough year. Over 25 years ago, the evil of Islam was Ayatollah Khomeini and what he allowed these students to do by taking hostage American Embassy personnel. Since then, rather than decrease - the size of the Ameican Muslim population has doubled in this country. Diversity is the strength of our country and not our weakness. I know all the major Muslim groups are going to try to confront Rep. Good on his statement. I think his constituents should confront him and asking him if he's bigotted against Islam. One of the real problems is that there's a perception in the American populace - that if you're a Muslim then you can't be loyal American citizen willing to uphold our constutional and civil principles. I would like to remind the American populace that Muslims have been in this country since we first brought slaves into this country - as they brought their religious faith with them. Unfortuantely, most of these Muslim slaves were greeted with a "Convert or Die" policy. I think Muslims should ask their elected officials where they stand when it comes to Islam and Muslims. I wrote a long letter to my Congressman and asked where he stood on Muslims and Islam. He told me that he stands with Muslims and Islam. I challenged him to meet that statement - in other words, to allow himself to be freely photographed with Muslims or at a mosque meeting Muslims. So far, that hasn't happened yet.

I told Rep. Goode something that was very true. We all found his word insulting. However, I asked him what would he tell an American soldier who happens to be a Muslim that's fighting on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan. It would be quite interesting to see if he answers that question or what his answer would be. As I said, we can lament and be depsondent over these developments. However, as the article pointed out - more Muslims went out and voted and the vast majority of them voted Democratic. "Bloc" voting develops political power exponetially - where candidates will have to become more sensitive to the "political" needs of Muslims. While we lament, 2 very big Muslim bashers were sent home packing their bags. Both Senator Santorum - who openly campaigned on a Muslim-bashing platform - and Senator Burns - who made toxic comments on taxicab drivers can be terrorists - are gone. Maybe if they hadn't said what they said, they might be in office right now. America really won't tolerate a politician who's openly hostile to a particular minority.

There's both despair and hope brought forth during 2006. I think one of the missions of these Muslim groups is to focus on the negative portrayal our media paints Muslims with. While these announcers go on the air and decry what Virgil Goode had to say about Muslims - these are very same people who say something like this follwing byline: "TODAY IN IRAQ, 6 OF OUR BRAVEST, FINEST AMERICAN SOLDIERS WERE KILLED BY MUSLIM RADICAL INSURGENT FUNDAMENTALIST JIHADIST TERRORISTS." And although Wolf Blitzer did a fine and outstanding job of interviewing Mr. Ellison, some ouf our Muslims grooups should have asked Mr. Blitzer what articles he's entailing to create a positive image of Islam in this country. In other words, you have the press having it both ways: "OH LOOK AT HOW TERRIBLE REP. GOODE'S COMMENTS ARE ABOUT MUSLIMS HOWEVER LOOK AT HOW TERRIBLE IT IS ABOUT THOSE MUSLIMS KILLING OUR SOLDIERS AND KILLING EACH OTHER IN IRAQ". So, the message of what Rep. Goode says gets skewered. The verdict is by his consituents on his comment has not been fully registered first. I also think the interfaith coalitions that exist within his district should also confront him. When Ms. Brown-Waite said what she had to say, she ran and hid herself and her constituents haven't seen her since then. At least Rep. Goode held a press conference and stood by his word. Well, at least we know that Rep. Goode isn't a staunch supporter of Muslims and Islam. What both representatives said were heinous. Muslims just aren't Arab, they're Persian, Afrrican, and Asian. As I pointed out to Mr. Goode - some of them are native born converts like Mr. Ellison. As I pointed out, the current war in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and our previous Gulf War has opened the house of Islam to many of fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines - some of them have converted to Islam and became Muslim due to their service over in that part of the world.

However, as Muslims - LET'S NOT DESPAIR AND LAMENT. I think the year of 2007 should be dedicated to getting the right portrayal of Muslims in the media. I reminded Rep. Goode and Rep. Brown-Waite of the acts of kindness and charity Ameircan Muslims have engaged in all over the world - from the Tsunami to the Pakistan Earthquake to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It seems that Rep. Goode and Rep. Brown-Waite have convienently forgotten about those facts whn it comes to their opinion concerning Muslims and Islam. In Rep. Goode's case, yes I think it's reprehensible that his own political party hasn't come down hard on him for what he said. I give both the Governor and Governor-Elect of Florida kudos for running away from and condemning comments by their own political party officials when those people made some outrageous comments on Islam. Furthermore, those Islampophobes found themselves removed from their political position of power after they made their comments - there should be some type of consequence for public officials for discriminatory remarks. However, I also think that the GOP has become too beholden of Zealous Christian Conservative Clerical Elite and as such - HAS BECOME THE PARTY OF RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE. The best solution is salat, dawa, and dua in all these cases.

Ken Hjerpe
Our Beacon Committee
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Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:25 pm

Year 2007 Will Be Better - Forwarded Message

Post by Our Beacon Committee »

Even a better solution is for the Muslims to be known for their character.
Our Beacon Commitee
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