Prophet's Cartoons - Mubashir

Here we will show what Islam is not and how it is refuted by the Quranic Message.
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Dr. Shabbir
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Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:46 pm

Prophet's Cartoons - Mubashir

Post by Dr. Shabbir »

According to their own history the Rasool went looking for a woman to enquire about her health when once, she failed to dump garbage on him when he passed by her house.

Take a lesson from this.

They can make all the cartoons they want, it will not hurt the Truth.

They, however know how predictable Muslims are. All they have to do a press a button and wait.

Take the power away from them. Stop being controlled by a remote.

I would ignore them and treat them as people with no class. The decent among the West do not appreciate what they do.

We do need, however, to clean up our history as they make caroons over what fabrications they read about The Rasool.
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