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152 - Loudspeakers Mullahs

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:19 pm
by Dr. Shabbir
Loudspeakers & Mullahs

A discussion is going on at another forum if Mullahs must travel on camel backs to comply with Sunnah.

Dr. Shabbir says that the Sunnah-peddlers must consider modern transport HARAM for themselves since according to a “Hadith”:

- All Bid’ah (novelty) is Dhalah (straying) and all Dhalalah is in Fire.

Most of all, the Mullahs must know that LOUDSPEAKERS violate the Sunnah and human rights big time.

31:19 Walk humbly and lower your voice in humility. For, the harshest of voices is the voice of a donkey.”

The bearded brigade has loudspeakers and yet they scream at the top of their voice!

It was 1940 when the loud-speakes reached the Indian subcontinent. The Great Mufti of Deoband, Mufti Muhammad Shafi (later Mufti Azam Pakistan) was entrusted the job of determining whether the use of loud-speakes in a Masjid was Haraam or not. The late Mufti approached a Hindu science master in a high school. The teacher, upon hearing the voice, passed the verdict that the loud-speaker changed human voice. The Mufti Saheb, then, openly declared the use of loud-speakers as Haraam. Since the 1950s, all of his Masjids, and others, have been keeping the neighborhood sleepless with the Mullahs chanting na’ts and 'zikr' all night!