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Interact with Islamic teachings. Please.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:10 am
by Nadir
How would you like your steak?

A study reveals that the power to achieve success, happiness, love and wealth rests on a mind tuned for it. Anis Shiekh tells how

A homeless out-of-work Canadian-born comedian struggling to find footing in Hollywood wrote himself an imaginary cheque of 10 million dollars for acting services rendered, and dated it Thanksgiving 1995. And then, just before Thanksgiving 1995, he found out that he was actually going to make ten million dollars for a movie.

Do we know this gentleman? I believe we do. He is no other than Jim Carey, and the movie in discussion is Dumb and Dumber. By pretending to sign a cheque, the celebrated actor merely demonstrated a rule mentioned in Napoleon Hill’s acclaimed book Think and Grow Rich.

Hill asks his readers to write down their goal and just read it aloud in the morning and at night every day, and try to feel it accomplished already, until it becomes a burning desire. Behind this, Hill writes, is something no one has an explanation to, but it works like a miracle as was the case with Carey.

Researchers, scientists, spiritual leaders, businessmen, writers, artistes and poets have all written about the power of mind which carried them to their goal through a series of coincidental events. The focal point for the science of mind is that the human mind has the power to achieve whatever it can conceive or perceive with the inner eye. From wheel to space shuttles, everything we see in our world is merely a transformation of extraordinary dreams into physical realities. All the great fortunes and extraordinary pieces of literature and art once existed in the minds of common men, before the latter materialised them into legends.

Successful human relationships are no exceptions and happiness is not a coincident. It is a choice for the followers of mind science. A successful life, hence, is a direct result of the dominant thinking process which is independent of circumstances. Negative thinking by same token would render quite the opposite results.

The human mind is divided into the conscious and sub-conscious. Eyes, ears, nose, skin, tongue are the input devices for the super computer of nature. At any moment, the mind is conscious of certain thoughts, memories, imagination, perceptions, sounds, sights, smells, tastes, and/or emotions. Whatever else is in the mind at that moment is in the data bank of "unconscious" which is generally referred to as the unconscious or subconscious mind. For example, memories are in the subconscious mind and can be "shared" with the conscious mind and physical body.

The memories of past events either physical or otherwise become thoughts and emotions, whereas, the memories of activities, such as bicycle riding or running, become automatic physical behaviours. Intuitive perceptions also come from the subconscious mind and can be shared with, or communicated to the conscious mind.

The conscious part, in reality, merely serves as a gateway for the subconscious mind, which is the true captain of our ship. Consider this as an auto-pilot which guides us through life.

However, we do set the preferences and goals ourselves using our conscious part of the mind, that is, through our speech patterns, conscious or unconscious visualisation, display of emotions and thinking model.

Speech patterns, for example, are one of the most powerful ways of inducing certain preferences to the subconscious minds, hence, commanding it to act in a particular direction. Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious does not argue in a logical manner, it merely takes advice in form of words, emotions and visual images created in the mind, and goes about doing its job.

However, for subconscious mind to have a firm blue print, it has to be repeated before it is cemented in as a firm purpose. It is a common observation that successful individuals have a particular way of talking: they use positive words in their routine communications. Success, growth, achievements and many of such words repeated many times everyday, sets their subconscious mind onto a constructive course.

Researchers, scientists, spiritual leaders, businessmen, writers, artistes and poets have all written about the power of mind which carried them to their goal through a series of coincidental events. The focal point for the science of mind is that the human mind has the power to achieve whatever it can conceive or perceive with the inner eye. From wheel to space shuttles, everything we see in our world is merely a transformation of extraordinary dreams into physical realities.

On the contrary, it is difficult to find a whining character at the top of the success ladder. More often than not, such individuals, as the saying goes, dig their own grave. People complaining of ill health use phrases like “I am not feeling well” which is actually a signal for the subconscious mind to make that happen and deformation of physical health subsequently follows.

Sentences like “I am happy” not only transforms the mental state to cheerful one, but a constant induction of such phrases in regular conversation sets the individual towards the path of happiness as well. In a more technical terminology this is called ‘Auto suggestion’. Auto suggestion is one of the most powerful tools to alter the mind frame to custom design blue print.

As described by James Allen in his book As the Man Thinketh the human body itself serves the mind. It obeys the commands of the grey matter, verbal or visual, whether they were chosen with intent or otherwise expressed naturally. By entertaining unhealthy thoughts, the body sinks into sickness and rapid decay. Persistence of happy thoughts covers it with youth and beauty. Research has proved that strong, pure, and happy thoughts build up the body in vigour and grace.

Our body is a delicate, integrated and intricate machine that responds promptly to thoughts which are being impressed upon it. Hence, habitual thoughts will produce their own effects, good or bad, depending upon their nature. And while it is true that a change of diet helps a depressed person, even that cannot bring a positive change unless he alters his negative thought patterns.

When an individual transforms his thoughts into pure and positive, the desire for impure foods automatically vanishes. There is no denying that laughter and cheerful thoughts, are the best medicine at the end of the day. To be continually occupied with the thoughts of ill will, cynicism, suspicion, and envy, is equivalent to be confined in a self-made prison hole.

But to sincerely wish well for everyone, to be cheerful with surroundings, to be patient leaves the mind clear, light and able to focus on a positive approach towards life. To live day-in day-out submersed with the thoughts of peace toward every creature are sure to bring abounding peace.

Throughout history, people have instinctively believed that there exists a truly strong healing power which could cure an ailing body even at terminal conditions. But they believed that this strange power could only be invoked under certain physical conditions, and that the alleviation of human suffering would eventually follow. The histories of all nations present testimonials in support of this belief.

For example, in the religions of antiquity, priests in the ancient temples drugged the patients and practiced hypnotic suggestions prior to the patient’s sleep, telling him that the gods would visit in his sleep and heal him out of his illness. Many healings followed.

Obviously, all this was the work of potent suggestions to the subconscious mind. Additionally, the usage of drugs support the modern mind science theory of altered mind states, that is, the suggestion to the mind, are at its most effective when given in a trans or a sleepy, drowsy state.

Emotions play a significant role in the outcome of almost any endeavor. All the successful scientists, businessmen, sportsmen or artists are attached with their work at an emotional level. Historic achievements in sports are always associated with highly inspired players. One of the pioneers of the digital revolution Steve jobs is in particular known for his emotional drive towards his dreams, and Apple computers is the end result. This was the burning desire that Napolean Hill referred to in his book, Think and Grow Rich, and which has the power to lead the individual to desired results.

Emotions play a significant role in the outcome of almost any endeavor. All the successful scientists, businessmen, sportsmen or artists are attached with their work at an emotional level. Historic achievements in sports are always associated with highly inspired players. The pages of sporting history is filled with the unbelievable feats of Pele, Bradman, Maradona, George Best, Dennis Lillie and many other individuals who motivated themselves and the team to victory.

Similarly, the modern icons of game like Andrew Flintoff, David Beckham, Sachin Tendulkar, Tiger woods, are no exceptions. One of the pioneers of the digital revolution Steve jobs is in particular known for his emotional drive towards his dreams, and Apple computers is the end result. This was the burning desire that Napolean Hill referred to, and which has the power to lead the individual to desired results.

Emotions, it seems, is another extremely powerful tool to programme the subconscious mind. Unfortunately, negative emotions induce undesirable patterns in the subconscious and unpleasant results follow. Fear, perhaps, is one feeling that has the power to destroy the path of life. A person gripped in fear is scared to venture for anything out of ordinary always looking at the pessimistic side of a situation.

An auto suggestion is believed to be an ideal tool to remove all of the mind’s fears by constantly repeating to one’s self, “I have abandoned all fears” or “I no longer fear anything”. Interestingly enough, the brass tacks of mind science are consistent with the fundamental principles of almost all the religion which teach their followers to fear no one but God.

Visualisation is the art of mentally projecting a thought form into the universal creative medium and is probably be the most effective instrument in enhancing the power of the mind, propelling it into the intended direction. It is like planting a seed and watching it grow. This is a right-brain activity, whereas logical suggestions are the seeds of the left brain.

According to Ernest Homes, the author of The Science of Mind visualising means to mentally make a picture of things that you wish to have or to do. When we see such pictures in our mind, and see them very clearly, it is presented the concious mind with images of thought which at once tends to project these images into physical form. If the thought image is clear, it comes rapidly in a refined mold; if it is imperfect, then the mold may be poor, come slowly, or may never materialise.

This does not mean that one must set his mind or hold thought; it simply means that he must think clearly. The power or ability to concentrate on one's goal becomes imperative in the process.

Auto suggestion and intentional imagination are two of the most valuable tools in the mind’s workshop. Creative visualisation adds a new dimension to thinking process by using the mind’s eye to picture positive actions and positive results. You can point it in the direction in which you want your life to go. Visual abilities come easily to about 70 per cent of all people. The other 30 per cent can develop and strengthen their inner vision with practice. Einstein perhaps summed it up n the best possible manner when he said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

One of the virtues of the human brain is its creativity. Even though, it is assumed that creativity is a conscious process, it is in fact quite the reverse in essence. We get our best brainwaves at a time when we are not consciously thinking about it. Edison claimed that the idea of light bulb struck him in sleep and this holds true for many other brilliant scientific ideas. Think Eureka.

Robert Louis Stevenson in one of his books, Across the Plains, devotes a whole chapter to dreams. He was a vivid dreamer and had the habit of giving specific instructions to his subconscious mind prior to his sleep every night. He would request his subconscious to evolve stories for him while he slept. Stevenson says, “These little brownies can tell me a story piece by piece like a serial, and keep me, its supposed creator, all the while in total ignorance at where they aimed”. Similar stories are common about Mirza Ghalib, Dante and many other poets, artists and scientists.

The power of our mind is enormous. It guides us, inspires us and reveals to us the idea and thought that we require. It is for us to realise that just as the water takes the form of the pipe it flows through, the life principles in us flow through according to very nature of our thoughts. Mind is like a waiter to whom we order the lunch of our choices but we rarely hear its whisper when it asks us “How would you like your steak, sir?”

Interact with Islamic teachings. Please.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:00 am
by Arnold Yasin Mol
Salaam Aleikum Nadir,

I have studied many books on this subject, including Napoleon Hill and others.

One of the main things that is the core message:

1. What you focus on, your brain will filter out in life and react on the enviroment to create or move close to the focussed goal.

This is exactly what the Quran also says, you focus on peace, and peace will come eventually, as you focus on the means to attain it. This is why the Quran helps us, to create the correct goals in life to focus on so we can attain them.

Many of these selfdevelopment writings are some times a bit to enthousiastic in their theories, but the core is certainly true.

I was already planning to write a book on how the Quran helps us to attain the right goals and have the correct psychology to achieve succes in both lives. It interacts with many beliefs of the selfdevelopment and succes writers.